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‘Tis the season for giving gifts. Time is drawing near for those who still have some shopping to do. If you have a gardener in your life, here are some garden-related gift ideas that are sure to please.


Plants are a great gift for gardeners. A poinsettia is an excellent choice this time of year. Typically sold as a seasonal plant, an experienced gardener can keep a poinsettia alive for next year’s holiday season. Other seasonal plants available include amaryllis, paperwhites and ornamental peppers.


What gardener doesn’t like houseplants? There are many from which to choose. Some easy-to- grow choices include pothos, snake plant, dumb cane (dieffenbachia), ponytail palm, jade plant, ZZ plant, peace lily and spider plant.


If the gardener is more into landscape plants, a gift card to their favorite nursery is sure to be a hit.


Gardening tools are always a popular choice, especially those tools that make gardening a bit easier. Many tools today are designed with ergonomics in mind. These tools feature handles designed to fit more comfortably in your hand. Some tools even take less effort to operate, which can keep gardening fun as people age.


Some aspects of gardening require getting down on your knees. A nice, cushy knee pad can soften stress on the knees. In addition, a gardening stool can make it easier to get up and down. If mobility is a struggle, raised garden beds or garden tables where a person can sit or stand can help prolong the enjoyment of gardening.


For many gardeners, it’s not just the beauty of the plants and the feel of the soil they enjoy – they also love birds. Gifts such as a bird bath, bird feeder, bird seed or binoculars – anything that attracts birds to the landscape – will be enjoyed for years to come.


Another idea to consider is a book about gardening. They’re available on a variety of topics, including garden design, native plants, fruits and vegetables, natural gardening, indoor gardening and more. An added bonus is that winter is a great time to curl up on the couch and start planning next year’s garden.


Gardeners not only enjoy their own landscape, but they also enjoy visiting other gardens, too. Perhaps a membership to the Myriad Botanic Garden or the Tulsa Botanic Garden would be appreciated. Another idea is a membership to the American Horticultural Society which offers the benefit of free admission and other discounts at more than 345 public gardens and arboreta across North America.