Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic
Causal Agent
Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus, which is transmitted into wheat roots via a soilborne fungus called Polymyxa graminis
Wheat plants infected with wheat spindle streak mosaic virus generally appear in Oklahoma
in late-February to early-March. Infected plants most often are in low-lying wet areas,
and appear similar to those infected with wheat soilborne mosaic virus, that is stunted
and appearing to have yellowish-green foliage. However, in contrast to wheat soilborne
mosaic, plants infected with wheat spindle streak mosaic will have leaves that are
light to medium green with yellowish spindles or streaks.
As with wheat soilborne mosaic, controlling wheat spindle streak mosaic is simply a matter of planting resistant varieties. Consult with your seed dealer, extension agent or refer to information such as contained in the, "Wheat Variety Comparisons Chart, 1997," Production Technology - Crops, July, 1997, vol. 9, no. 17 (revised) to identify varieties resistant to this disease. Please contact your local county extension office for current information.