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Wheat soilborne mosaic. Causal Agent

Wheat soilborne mosaic virus, which is transmitted into wheat roots via a soilborne fungus called Polymyxa graminis 






Symptom of wheat soilborne mosaic typically appear in Oklahoma during March. Symptomatic plants usually are observed in low-lying, wet areas, and are stunted and appear to have yellowish-green foliage. Closer examination of the leaves reveal a mosaic pattern, that is, the foliage will have small green spots or islands on a light green or yellowish-green background. 



Control of this disease is simple and effective, and only involves planting a resistant variety in those fields in which wheat soilborne mosaic occurs. There are many resistant varieties; consult with your seed dealer, extension agent or information such as the, "Wheat Variety Comparisons Chart, 1997," Production Technology - Crops, July, 1997, vol. 9, no. 17 (revised) to identify varieties resistant to this disease. Please contact your local county extension office for current information.