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Leaf with arabis mosaic virus. Causal Agent

Arabis Mosaic Virus (ArMV)



The host range includes a wide variety of ornamental plants and fruits. Hosts include cherry, euonymus, grapes, forsythia, lilac, peach, plum, raspberry, rose and strawberry.



Arabis mosaic virus. Arabis Mosaic Virus may cause mottling and flecking on the leaves and leaf deformation including enations (bumps). Infected plants may have shortened internodes and exhibit vine decline symptoms. The symptoms are similar to those of Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) and mixed infections of ArMV and GFLV are common. Infections are often symptomless and expression varies based on type of rootstock, variety, and environmental conditions. Yield losses of up to 50 percent have been attributed to ArMV.


This virus has been reported as common in grapevines in other states and is widespread in Europe. Dagger nematodes are reported to transmit ArMV from diseased to healthy plants. The primary method of spread is through movement of infected propagation material.



Growers should plant certified, disease-free plants. Pruning tools should be disinfected with a bleach solution (1 part household bleach, 9 parts water) between cuts. Infected plants should be removed and discarded. Prior to replanting with susceptible hosts, a soil-test to determine the presence of plant pathogenic nematodes (which may harbor and spread the virus) should be performed.