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Over 60 mosquito species occur seasonally in Oklahoma - from March through first frost in November. A few early species prefer cool weather, but the majority of adult mosquitoes are pests during April, May, and June, especially following spring rains. Culiseta mosquitoes first become active in Oklahoma in March with subsequent summer species usually appearing in April and May. Mosquitoes may be present even after the first frost because emerging larval and pupal populations may not be affected by a light freeze. Mosquito populations in Oklahoma are greatly influenced by the weather. Scattered rains may lead to higher populations of mosquitoes in certain areas and not in others. During hot, dry summers there normally are not enough mosquitoes present to cause pest problems.


General Information



The mosquito has four distinct stages in its life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The adult is an active flying insect, while the larvae and pupae are aquatic and occur only in water. Depending on the species, eggs are laid either on the surface of water or are deposited on moist soil or other objects that will often be flooded. 

Principal Characters for Identifying Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex



One factor common to all mosquito species is that eggs are laid in association with free water or on a moist surface. Eggs are white when first deposited, darkening to a black or dark brown within 12-24 hours. Single eggs are about 1/50 inch (0.5mm) long, and those of most species appear similar when seen by the naked eye (one exception is the Anopheles spp. whose eggs have floats attached to each side of the egg). Eggs are laid singly by some species, and others lay eggs together to form rafts. The incubation period (time between when eggs are laid and when they hatch) may vary considerably among species. Eggs of permanent-water mosquitoes where eggs are deposited on the water surface may hatch in 1-3 days depending on temperature. Floodwater species deposit their eggs on moist soil or another wet substrate and have a wide variation in incubation periods. These eggs will not hatch until submerged by rising water caused by rainfall, melting snow in the spring, or other floodwater. Depending on the species and conditions these eggs may hatch the next time they are flooded, as soon as ten days, or may not hatch until they are flooded a year or more later.

Aedes albopictus (top), Culex spp. (middle), Anopheles spp. (bottom)








Aedes albopictus (top), Culex spp. (middle), Anopheles spp. (bottom)









The larvae (wigglers or wrigglers) of all mosquitoes live in water and have four developmental periods or instars. These are called 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instars with each succeeding stage larger than the last. At the end of each instar, the larva sheds its skin by a process called molting. The larva is an active feeding stage. Larvae feed on particulate organic material in the water. The larvae of most species have a breathing tube and must occasionally come to the surface of the water to get oxygen. The total length of time that larvae spend in the larval stage depends on the species and the water temperature. Some can develop in as little as 5 or 6 days. Upon maturity the 4th instar larvae molts into the pupal stage.

Aedes albopictus (left), Culex spp.(right)


Aedes albopictus (left),

Culex spp.(right)



Unlike most other insects, the mosquito pupa is very active, and, like the larva, lives in water. It differs greatly from the larva in shape and appearance. The pupa has a comma-shaped body divisible into two distinct regions. The front region consists of the head and thorax (cephalothorax) and is greatly enlarged. It bears a pair of respiratory trumpets on the upper surface. It must periodically come to the surface to get oxygen. The second region is the abdomen which has freely-movable segments with a pair of paddle-like appendages at the tip. Feeding does not take place during the pupal stage. The pupal stage only lasts for a few days and is the stage when all the larval tissues change into the adult tissues. The adult emerges directly from the pupal case on the surface of the water.

Aedes albopictus (left), Anopheles spp. (right)


Aedes albopictus (left),

Anopheles spp. (right) 



The adult mosquito is entirely terrestrial and is capable of flying long distances. Both females and males feed on nectars which they use for energy. Males and females mate during the first 3 to 5 days after they have emerged. Females mate only once. Males generally live for only a week. Only the females feed on blood, which is what is occurring when they are biting. Females evidently gain little nourishment from blood meals but need them in order to develop eggs. Many mosquitoes feed on any warm-blooded bird or mammal. However, some prefer cold-blooded animals. Some species also prefer birds and seldom feed on mammals, which is the case with Culex spp. mosquitoes which are known to transmit the West Nile virus (WNV). Unfortunately many species feed on a wide range of warm-blooded mammals and humans are often attacked. Once a female has completely engorged she flies to a shaded environment until her eggs are completely developed, usually 3 to 5 days. Once the eggs are developed the female is called a gravid female and she begins to search for a desirable place to lay her eggs. If a female survives her egg laying activities, she will very soon start searching for another blood meal after which she will lay another batch of eggs. She does not need to mate a second time. Generally a female will only live long enough to lay 1 to 3 batches of eggs.


Most mosquito species are actively searching for a blood meal in the evening hours from just before dark until 2 to 3 hours after dark. During the daytime the females normally rest in cooler vegetated areas where the humidity is higher and they are protected from drying out. Females will often bite in the daytime if humans or animals invade the wooded areas where they are resting. However, Aedes albopictus is an aggressive biter which prefers to feed during the daylight hours and is often a nuisance in urban areas.

Aedes albopictus female (left), Aedes albopictus male (right)


Aedes albopictus female (left), Aedes albopictus male (right)



Aedes albopictus, Asian Tiger Mosquito (left), Culex quinquefasciatus, Southern House Mosquito (right)


Aedes albopictus, Asian Tiger Mosquito (left), Culex quinquefasciatus, Southern House Mosquito (right)



Steps for Effective Mosquito Control


One of the most effective tools available is awareness of mosquito biology so that you can eliminate future mosquito breeding sites from your yard. You should be aware of the life cycle of mosquitoes so you can take steps to avoid rearing mosquito larvae in water containers on your property. You should eliminate larval breeding sites such as discarded tires, beverage cups/litter, and unused children's wading pools. Residents should clean and replenish pet water and bird bathes every 3 days, clean roof gutters to allow proper drainage, prevent standing water in flower pots, ensure good property drainage, and plug hollow tree stumps. Water gardens or small fountains should be treated with larvicides or contain mosquito eating fish to prevent emerging adult mosquitoes. Maintenance of screen doors and windows will prevent adult mosquitoes from entering homes. Remember, any container that will hold water for 5 to 7 days is a potential breeding site for mosquito larvae.


Examples of mosquito breeding grounds.


Source Reduction of Larval Habitats
One of the simplest ways to reduce larval mosquito populations is to drain any unnecessary containers/pools of water which allow mosquito larval development. If it is not possible to drain areas, then treating them with larvicides if they are supporting larvae is an alternative. Many mosquito larvicides on the market are very host specific and only disrupt the larval stages of mosquitoes and do not harm non-target species.


Unnecessary containers/pools of water which allow mosquito larval development.


Personal Protection

People can reduce their exposure to biting mosquitoes by wearing insect repellent when they are outdoors. They can also avoid being outside at dawn, early evening, and dusk when the majority of biting female mosquitoes are active. Wearing long sleeved clothing with long pants also provides protection. Repellants which contain from 10 to 30% DEET (N, N diethyl-m-toluamide) are most effective, but always read and follow label directions for proper application. Special care should be taken when applying repellants to children. Click here for some frequently asked questions about insect repellent use.


Insect Repellent Use

Using repellents on the skin is not the only way to avoid mosquito bites. Children and adults can wear clothing with long pants and long sleeves while outdoors. DEET or other repellents such as permethrin can also be applied to clothing (don't use permethrin on skin), as mosquitoes may bite through thin fabric. Mosquito netting can be used over infant carriers. The following are some questions that may be raised concerninf the use of insect repellents.


Chemical Control for Adult Mosquitoes

Homeowner chemical control for adult mosquitoes is not practical and decisions regarding control should be left up to municipal regulation. Area wide chemical control for adult mosquitoes in Oklahoma is typically applied by thermal fogging or Ultra Low Volume (ULV) spraying. This type of control is not usually effective in Oklahoma because it is very rare for conditions to be conducive for fogging adult mosquitoes. Adult mosquitoes must come into contact with the pesticide, so timing of application is critical. Since different mosquito species are active during different periods throughout a 24hr day it is critical to fog at exactly the proper time to get effective control of the target species. Extensive behavioral knowledge of the species to be controlled must be utilized and the spray applied only when adults are active. Weather conditions must be considered, as windy conditions usually present in the spring in Oklahoma may cause pesticides to drift out of an area so that they never reach their intended target. If ULV spraying is utilized the air temperature should be at least 60oF, with wind velocities between 3-5 mph. Spraying in the heat of the day is not recommended as ULV droplets volatilize and go upward out of target areas. ULV spray equipment must be properly calibrated and operated by experienced personnel to ensure proper pesticide application rates. Pesticide label rates and recommendations must be followed according to the manufacturers instructions for all pesticides applied. Mosquito control products available for consumer use are typically sold through local home and garden supply stores. Product availability may vary according to location and state regulation.


Products Registered for Control of Mosquitoes in Oklahoma

Because of changing product lines and new product registrations, a direct link is now provided to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry's website listing approved products by category. The information given herein is for educational purposes only. No endorsement of products mentioned is intended nor is criticism implied of products not mentioned.


Chemical Control for Larval Mosquitoes
A listing of approved mosquito larvicides has been developed to aid municipal workers in treating mosquito populations in storm drains or catch basins in Oklahoma. View a comprehensive list of these products.


Generalized Mosquito Life Cycle

The mosquito has four distinct stages in its life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The adult is an active flying insect, while the larvae and pupae are aquatic and occur only in water. Depending on the species eggs are laid either on the surface of water or are deposited on moist soil or other objects that will often be flooded. One method of classifying mosquitoes, which is important in the control of the larval stage, is by the type of habitat in which the eggs are laid. Those species that lay eggs singly on the moist soil usually near the edge of temporary pools of water are known as flood water mosquitoes. These eggs only hatch after they have been flooded by water. Psorophora, Aedes, and Ochlerotatus mosquitoes are floodwater mosquitoes which are most abundant shortly after spring rainfall. Those species that lay eggs on the surface of the water, either clumped in rafts or as single floating eggs, are known as permanent water mosquitoes. Anopheles, Culiseta, and Culex are permanent water mosquitoes found in Oklahoma. Floodwater mosquitoes are usually pests in April and May in Oklahoma, with permanent water mosquitoes being problems later in the summer.


Mosquito life cycle


Medically Important Mosquitoes in Oklahoma

Very few mosquitoes in Oklahoma are able to transmit diseases. Of the 60 plus species present in Oklahoma, only 7 to 10 species are considered medically important because of their pest status to people. Disease transmission by mosquitoes is complex, and being bitten by a mosquito does not mean an individual will develop an illness. If a mosquito-borne disease is detected in Oklahoma the mosquito species transmitting the disease must be identified. Control measures targeting the biology and behavior of that particular species are then implemented to reduce pest populations and prevent further disease transmission.Most likely mosquitoes species (based on relative abundance) present in Oklahoma which could transmit the West Nile Virus:  (* Denotes species from which WNV disease isolates have been reported to CDC/Arbonet in 2002.)


  • Aedes albopictus*
  • Culex pipiens/quinquefasciatus*
  • Culex restuans*
  • Culex salinarius*
  • Culex tarsalis*
  • Culiseta inornata*

Other vector species present in the state from which WNV has been isolated:

  • Aedes cinereus
  • Aedes vexans*
  • Anopheles punctipennis*
  • Anopheles quadrimaculatus*
  • Coquillettidia perturbans*
  • Culex nigripalpus
  • Culiseta melanura
  • Ochlerotatus canadensis
  • Ochlerotatus sollicitans*
  • Ochlerotatus taeniorhynchus
  • Ochlerotatus triseriatus*
  • Ochlerotatus trivittatus*
  • Psorophora columbiae
  • Psorophora ciliata*

No disease isolates have been made as of yet from Aedes aegypti for West Nile Virus. However, this is a medically important species which has transmitted other diseases and should be suspect for WNV transmission in Oklahoma.

