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Adult army cutworms. Scientific Name

Euxoa auxiliaris



Wheat, alfalfa, etc.



The first indication of army cutworm injury appears as semi-circular areas eaten from the edge of the leaf, or as holes chewed through the leaf. If plants are slow to grow, army cutworms will eat the plant down to the soil line. Damage may appear in "spots" in a field. Army cutworms overwinter in the soil as partially grown larvae. They can tolerate cold temperatures, and often becomes active early in winter anytime that days climb above freezing. This insect is more of a problem when wheat growth is delayed due to cold temperatures or moisture stress.



Army cutworm caterpillars.The caterpillar is up to 40 mm long. It has a light brownish-gray head with pale brown spots. The body is pale grayish with white splotches and a brown-tinged top line. The lower portion of the body has darker, top-lateral stripes and an indistinct band of white splotches. The caterpillars curl up into a tight "C" when disturbed. Adults are brown to gray miller moths.



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