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Participants in the Co-Parenting class said..

All divorcing parents with children should take this class – I didn’t realize how many things I do could hurt my children.  Why aren’t all parents required to take it?”


“I now see how often I was placing my children in the middle. I’m not doing that anymore! I just didn’t want to hear my co-parent’s voice, but now I will take time to communicate with her.”


“I feel this class has given me a better understanding of what I can do to help my children cope.”


“I learned better ways to communicate with my co-parent and how to keep the children out of the middle of things.”


“I wish I would’ve had this class before I got married. Maybe I wouldn’t be here.”


Professionals say...

“Proper co-parenting in a domestic matter is an important step
in the healing process for all those involved especially the
innocent children.” – The Honorable Elizabeth Brown


“Co-parenting gives children a voice in their future.”  – The Honorable Timothy Olsen


“Divorce is like the flu: it makes you feel bad all over.
Co-Parenting, when used appropriately, is like a medicine that helps control the symptoms and gets you and your children back on your feet more quickly.”

– Dr. Ronald B. Cox Jr., Associate Professor in Family Science, OSU