2001 Research Reports
Beef and Dairy Cattle, Swine, Poultry, Sheep, Horses and Animal Products
August 2001
Publication: P986
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station
Division of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources
Oklahoma State University
Animal Breeding and Genetics
Evaluation of milk production and calf performance in range beef cows sired by high
and low milk expected progeny difference Angus and Hereford bulls
D.S. Buchanan and K.J. Stutts
Effect of embryo transfer on semen characteristics and scrotal circumference of performance tested bullsS.S. Williams and D.S. Buchanan
Nutrition/Management Cow/Calf
Supplementation strategies for stockpiled bermudagrass: I. Cow performance
C.R. Johnson, D.L. Lalman, J. Steele, A.D. O'Neil, and R.P. Wettemann
Supplementation strategies for stockpiled bermudagrass: II. Forage utilization
C.R. Johnson and D.L. Lalman
Economics of a stockpiled bermudagrass grazing system
D.L. Lalman, C.R. Johnson, F.M. Epplin, and C.M. Taliaferro
Effect of high vs low cow winter nutrition and calf creep feeding on productivity
of fall calving cows and their calves
S.J. Mayo, D.L. Lalman, G.E. Selk, R.P. Wettemann, and D.S. Buchanan
Accuracy of nutritive value estimates from fecal NIRS analysis from beef cattle grazing
bermudagrass and native tall grass prairie in Oklahoma
A.D. O'Neil, D.L. Lalman, H.T. Purvis II, and S.D. Fuhlendorf
Performance of beef heifers fed ad libitum soybean hulls and hay with or without a
monensin-containing mineral supplement
J.D. Steele, D.L. Lalman, J.G. Kirkpatrick, and R.P. Wettemann
Nutrition/Management Stocker Cattle
Digestibility and estimation of undegradable intake protein (UIP) of alfalfa, bermuda
grass and prairie hay using different methods
R.B. Basurto, H.T. Purvis II, T. Bodine, and G.W. Horn
Grazing behavior, intake, digestion, and performance by steers grazing dormant native
rnage and offered supplemental energy and(or) protein
T.N. Bodine, H.T. Purvis II and D.A. Cox
Blood and fecal measures of steers supplemented with energy and(or) protein while
grazing dormant native range
T.N. Bodine, H.T. Purvis II and D.A. Cox
Effects of a Synovex-S implant during winter grazing
T.N. Bodine, H.T. Purvis II, G.W. Horn, D.A. Cox, C.R. Krehbiel, and M.J. Hersom
Effects of previous implant status and rate of gain or implant status during summer
grazing on performance of stocker steers
T.N. Bodine, H.T. Purvis II, S.A. Cox, G.W. Horn, and C.R. Krehbiel
Response of Old World and Little Bluestem to a spring prescribed fire
T.N. Bodine, H.T. Purvis II, and D.M. Engle
In situ starch and nitrogen degradation of feedstuffs for use as supplements to wheat
M.J. Hersom and G.W. Horn
Management strategies and live weight gain of steers on Old World bluestem
P.D. Kircher, H.T. Purvis II, G.W. Horn, C.J. Ackerman, T.N. Bodine, and D.A. Cox
Liquid feed supplements for stocker cattle grazing native and bermudagrass pasture
during late summer
D.L. Lalman, K.C. Barnes, F. Sticklen, B.E. Caldwell, D.D. Skidgel, H.T. Purvis II,
and C.R. Krehbiel
Effect of the frequency of corn supplementation on a high quality alfalfa hay utilization
by cattle
A.F. LaManna, H.T. Purvis II, T.N. Bodine, G.W. Horn, and F.N. Owens
Implant strategies for lightweight stocker calves
J.D. Wallace, T. Johnson, T. Evicks, S. Smith, and D.L. Lalman
Comparison of dry and liquid protein supplements fed to stocker cattle consuming low-quality
native grass: Performance and digestibility
J.S. Weyers, H.T. Purvis II, C.R. Krehbiel, D.L. Lalman, and D.A. Cox
Nutrition/Management Feedlot Cattle
Effect of castration on health and performance of newly received stressed feedlot
B.A. Berry, W.T. Choat, D.R. Gill, C.R. Krehbiel, R.A. Smith, and R.L. Ball
Effect of conventional vs restricted adaptation to a high-concentrate diet on performance
and carcass characteristics of feedlot calves
W.T. Choat, C.R. Krehbiel, M.S. Brown, D.R. Gill, and R.L. Ball
Effect of vitamin E and fat on serum vitamin E and cholesterol levels of newly received
heifer calves
W.T. Choat, C.R. Krehbiel, D.R. Gill, R.L. Ball, J.B. Summers, and L.R. McDowell
Effect of implanting on performance and carcass characteristics of finishing steers
W.T. Choat, D.R. Gill, C.R. Krehbiel, J.B. Morgan, J.C. Brooks, and R.L. Ball
Feedlot performance of steers from different winter grazing programs
M.J. Hersom, G.W. Horn, and C.R. Krehbiel
Effect of liveweight gain during winter on organ mass and organ mass accretion during
subsequent feedlot finishing
M.J. Hersom, C.R. Krehbiel, and G.W. Horn
Effects of feed additives fed to sale barn-origin calves during the receiving period:
Animal performance, health and medical costs
C.R. Krehbiel, B.A. Berry, J.M. Reeves, D.R. Gill, R.A. Smith, D.L. Step, W.T. Choat,
and R. Ball
Influence of grazing management and supplementation of steers on Old World bluestem
on subsequent feedlot performance and carcass merit
P.D. Kircher, H.T. Purvis II, G.W. Horn, C.J. Ackerman, and T.N. Bodine
Effect of fall calving cow nutrition and calf creep feeding on subsequent feedlot
performance and carcass traits
S.J. Mayo, D.L. Lalman, C.R. Krehbiel, G.E. Selk, and D.R. Gill
Effect of health status during the receiving period on subsequent feedlot performance
and carcass characteristics
L.J. McBeth, D.R. Gill, C.R. Krehbiel, R.L. Ball, S.S. Swanek, W.T. Choat, and C.E.
Extent and rate of in situ ruminal degradation of protein byproduct feeds on a high
concentrate diet
S.S. Swanek, C.R. Krehbiel, D.R. Gill, and B.A. Gardner
Nutrition/Management Horses
Response of yearling Quarter Horses to varying concentrations of dietary calcium
A.D. Moffett, S.R. Cooper, D.W. Freeman, and H.T. Purvis II
Estimation of fecal output and dry matter digestibility using various chromic oxide
marker methods in the horse
D.P. Patterson, S.R. Cooper, D.W. Freeman, and R.G. Teeter
Nutrition/Management Poultry
Effect of endo-ß-D-mannanase (Hemicell®) supplementation on growth performance of
two-week-old broilers fed diets varying in ß-mannan content
M. Daskiran and R.G. Teeter
Effects of dietary L-carnitine (Carniking®) supplementation on overall performance
and carcass characteristics of seven-week-old broiler chickens
M. Daskiran and R.G. Teeter
Fasted heat production and body composition of broiler breeder females ranging from
5 to 50 weeks of age
S.J. Dixson and R.G. Teeter
Pellet quality effects on broiler growth and efficiency
L.J. McKinney, D.O. Skinner-Noble, and R.G. Teeter
Use of a single diet feeding program for female broilers
D.O. Skinner-Noble, J.G. Berry, and R.G. Teeter
Nutrition/Management Swine
Energy and nitrogen balance of pigs fed four corn grains
R.W. Fent, S.D. Carter, M.J. Rincker, and J.S. Park
Energy and nitrogen balance of pigs fed commercial red sorghum, identity-preserved
white sorghum, or corn
R.W. Fent, S.D. Carter, M.J. Rincker, and B.W. Senne
Effects of Hemicell® supplementation to diets containing soybean hulls on growth performance
and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing pigs
J.S. Park, S.D. Carter, R.W. Fent, and M.J. Rincker
Effects of Lactobacillus Acidophilus L23 supplementation on growth performance of
weanling pigs fed low-lactose diets
J.S. Park, S.D. Carter, M.J. Rincker, R.W. Fent and S.E. Gilliland
Effects of L-carnitine in the diet of weanling pigs: I. Growth performance
M.J. Rincker, S.D. Carter, R.W. Fent, B.W. Senne, and K.Q. Owen
Effects of L-carnitine in the diet of weanling pigs: II. Apparent nutrient digestibility,
whole body composition, and tissue accretion
M.J. Rincker, S.D. Carter, R.W. Fent, B.W. Senne, and K.Q. Owen
Effects of L-carnitine and soybean oil on growth performance in weanling pigs
M.J. Rincker, S.D. Carter, R.W. Fent, J.S. Park, and K.Q. Owen
Postpartum nutrition affects performance of spring-calving first-calf heifers grazing
native range
N.H. Ciccioli, C.A. Lents, F.J. White, and R.P. Wettemann
Estrous behavior as affected by number of cows in estrus and pen size
L.N. Floyd, C.A. Lents, F.J. White, and R.P. Wettemann
Method and timing of castration influences performance of bull calves
C.A. Lents, F.J. White, L.M. Floyd, R.P. Wettemann, and D.L. Gay
Acutely restricting nutrition causes anovulation and alters endocrine function in
beef heifers
F.J. White, L.N. Floyd. C.A. Lents, N.H. Ciccioli, L.J. Spicer, and R.P. Wettemann