1990 Research Reports
Evaluation of salers in a commercial cow herd.
D.S. Buchanan, D.K. Darnell, and J. Dhuyvetter.
Comparisons of Angus-Hereford reciprocal cross cows.
D.S. Buchanan and S.R. McPeake.
G.E. Selk and D.S. Buchanan.
Evaluation of body condition scoring for estimating carcass fat percentage of various cow types.
E.D. Tinker, D.S. Buchanan, M.N. McCarter, H.G. Dolezal, R.R. Frahm, and L.W. Knori.
Effect of weaning management of spring-born calves on calf sale weight and cow weight changes.
K.C. Barnes, J.W. Walker, and K.S. Lusby.
D. Bell, R.P. Wettemann, K.S. Lusby, and D.K. Bishop.
C.A. Hibberd and S.K. Martin.
Reproductive performance of first calf heifers supplemented with amino acid chelate minerals.
J.R. Kropp.
K.H. Ovenell, K.S. Lusby, G.W. Horn, and R.W. McNew.
K.H. Ovenell, K.S. Lusby, and R.P. Wettemann.
R.R. Scott and C.A. Hibberd.
The effect of Clorsulon on weight gain on lactating cows and their calves.
S.C. Smith, K.S. Lusby, J. Brisco, J.D. Enis, D.E. Cooper, and M.R. Montague.
J.D. Stout and R.B. Stout.
R. B. Stouch and J.D. Stout.
W.B. Tucker and J.F. Hogue.
Trace mineral supplementation of cattle fed finishing rations.
P.L. Dubeski, F.N. Owens, and D.R. Gill.
Synovex-S, Finaplix-S, or Revalor implants for feedlot steers.
C.P. Foutz, D.R. Gill, H.G. Dolezal, R.T. Botts, T.L. Gardner, and F.N. Owens.
J.D. Garza F and F.N. Owens.
Ruminal water evasion and steady state.
J.D. Garza F., J. Zorrila-Rios and F.N. Owens.
Virginiamycin versus monensin for feedlot steers.
D.R. Gill, C.A. Strasia, J.J. Martin, H.G. Dolezal, and F.N. Owens.
K.S. Lusby, D.R. Gill, D.M. Anderson, T.L. Gardner, and H.G. Dolezal.
G.S. McLean, R.A. Smith, D.R. Gill, and T.C. Randolph, Jr.
Providing supplemental nutrients in drinking water to growing cattle.
I.W.M. Schutte, J. Zorrilla-Rios, J. McCann, D.M. Caldwell, and S.W. Coleman.
R.R. Scott, C.A. Hibberd, F.T. McCollum, D.M. Caldwell, and S.W. Coleman.
Ruminal and intestinal disappearance of several sources of Vitamin E.
I.S. Shin and F.N. Owens.
Effect of Sorghum Hybrid on site and extent of nitrogen digestion in beef steers.
M.N. Streeter, D.G. Wagner, and C.A. Hibberd.
J. Zorrila-Rios, J.D. Garza, and F.N. Owens.
Impact of Osmotically active compounds on Rumen Digesta Kinetics.
J. Zorrilla-Rios, J.D. Garza, and F.N. Owens.
Ruminal fluid, a multi-pool system?
J. Zorrilla-Rios, J.D. Garza, and F.N. Owens.
Intake response of horses consuming a concentrate varying in pellet size.
D.W. Freeman, D.L. Wall, and D.R. Topliff.
Growth of weanling horses fed yeast, soybean meal or milk based protein supplements.
D.R. Topliff and T. Monin.
Mineral balance of heat distressed broilers.
Tsegaw Belay, C.J. Wiernusz, and R.G. Teeter.
Riboflavin and pantothenic acid requirement of the broilers through eight weeks posthatching.
R. Dehyim, C.J. Wiermusz, T. Belay, R.G. Teeter, M.B. Coelho, and J.T. Haley.
Comparison of day five acclimation and fasting techniques to reduce broiler heat distress mortality.
K. McDonald, T. Belay, F. Deyhim, and R.G. Teeter.
R.G. Teeter, K. McDonald, and F. Deyhim.
G.W. Horn, W.E. McMurphy, K.S. Lusby, K.B. Poling, and M.D. Cravey.
Naxcel for stressed stocker cattle.
B.D. Johnson, D.R. Gill, R.A. Smith, and R.L. Ball.
Syntabac for stressed stocker cattle.
B.D. Johnson, D.R. Gill, R.A. Smith, and R.L. Ball.
Value of feather meal for replacing soybean meal in summer protein supplements.
K.S. Lusby and F.T. McCollum.
F.T. McCollum.
F.T. McCollum, R.L. Gillen, and H.P. Jensen.
G.S. McLean, F.T. McCollum, and D.R. Gill.
W.A. Phillips and G.W. Horn.
Bypass protein supplementation of stocker cattle on wheat pasture.
M.E. Smith, G.W. Horn, and W.A. Phillips.
R.A. Youngins and D.G. Wagner.
Effect of Riboflavin supplementation on reproductive performance of bred sows.
W.G. Luce, R.D. Geisert, M.T. Zavy, A.C. Clutter, F.W. Bazer, C.V. Maxwell, M.D. Woltman, R.M. Blair, M. Fairchild, and J. Wiford.
Wheat vs sorghum grain for gestating gilts.
W.G. Luce, C.V. Maxwell, D.S. Buchanan, A.C. Clutter, M.D. Woltmann, and R. Vencl.
The effect of fat source and medium-chain triglyceride level on performance of the early weaned pig.
B.D. Rodas and C.V. Maxwell.
Effect of source of dietary protein on performance of early weaned pigs.
K.S. Sohn and C.V. Maxwell.
Effect of dietary protein source on nutrient digestibility in early weaned pigs.
K.S Sohn and C.V. Maxwell
Effect of source of dietary protein on ileal amino acid availability in early weaned pigs.
K.S. Sohn and C.V. Maxwell.
The effects of limit feeding on testicular volume n growing boars.
M.D. Woltmann, A.C. Clutter, D.S. Buchanan, and R. Vencl.
Body energy reserves influence the onset of luteal activity after early weaning of beef cows.
D.K. Bishop and R.P. Wettemann.
Active immunizations of pregnant beef cows against GnRH.
E.R. Loetz, R.P. Wettemann, and R.D. Geisert.
C.M. C’Connell and R.P. Wettemann.
L.J. Spicer, W.B. Tucker and G.D. Adams.
Hair growth of cattle is stimulated by Melatonin.
R.P. Wettemann, S.C. Smith, K.S. Lusby, and H.A. Tucker.
Implant effects on boneless subprimal yields and boxed beef value.
C.P. Foutz, H.G. Dolezal, D.R. Gill, T.L. Gardner, and J.L. Hensley.
Effect of porcine somatotropin and sex-class on pork carcass chemical composition.
T.L. Gardner, H.G. Dolezal, C.P. Foutz, and K.K. Novotny.
Evaluation of real-time ultrasound for predicting carcass traits of feedlot steers.
M.T. Smith, J.W. Oltjen, H.G. Dolezal, D.R. Gill, and B.D. Behrens.