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Comparison of lines and line crosses for economically important traits in swine.
P.J. Cunningham, I.T. Omtvedt and J.A. Whatley, Jr.


Pork can be processed before chilling.
R.L. Hendrickson.


Preliminary performance of ewes involved in a twice-yearly lambing program.
Fred A. Thrift, Mike B. Gould and Joe V. Whiteman.


Relationship between growth rate, probe back fat thickness, and carcass traits in swine.
I.T. Omtvedt, D.F. Stephens, D.R. Rule, and W.E. Sharp.


Differences in growth pattern and carcass development of angus bulls, steers and Heifers.
James E. Tanner, Jack A. Richey, Richard L. Willham and Joe V. Whiteman.


The Use of oral progestogens in controlling the estrous cycle of beef cows and heifers.
E.J. Turman, J.E. Tilton, R.H. Edwards, T.D. Rich, R.L. Willham, Robert Renbarger, and D.F. Stephens.


Animal agriculture and human nutrition.
Allen D. Tillman.


The cumulative influence of level of wintering on the lifetime performance of beef females through seven calf crops.
Craig Ludwig, S.A. Ewing, L.S. Pope, and D.F. Stephens.


Supplemental winter feeding of spring calving beef cows on bermuda grass pasture.
J.E. McCroskey, Frank Bates, Robert Renbarger and W.C. Elder.


Influence of mature cow size on feed and energy requirements.
S.A. Ewing, Larry Smithson, Craig Ludwig, and D.F. Stephens.


The influence of stilbestrol Implants on the performance of calves on wheat pasture or Sorghum Silage.
 S.A. Ewing, Gale Thompson and Robert Renbarger.


Methods of processing milo for fattening cattle.
Robert Totusek, Larry Franks, Willie Basler, and Robert Renbarger.


Influence of level of nitrogen application to wheat pasture on vitamin A status of beef calves.
Gale Thompson, S.A. Ewing, and Robert Renbarger.


Area utilization by ruminant animals.
Allen D. Tillman.


The performance of beef steers fed Iso-nitrogenous, Iso-mineral all-concentrate rations.
M.M. Carter and Allen D. Tillman.

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