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View the internship program frequently asked questions below.

Q: Where do I find the application for OSU Extension Internships?

A: The application is an online submission form posted on the  internships webpage.

Q: Are there any suggestions for helping me complete my application?

A: Yes. Some basic suggestions include:

  • Complete your application in one sitting if possible.
  • Type your responses to questions in Word and copy and paste into the application if not completing in one sitting. Questions in the application include the following:
    • Internship Objectives - Briefly describe your goals or reasons for applying for this internship, what you would like to experience and/or projects you would like to plan/conduct in the internship.
    • Have you ever worked in a County Extension Office? If yes, describe when, where and scope of experiences.
    • County Preference – Rank the counties listed in the application from first choice to last choice
    • Availability – Typical start date for interns is the latter part of May and extend 8, 9 or 10 weeks, depending on the applicant’s availability. In-Person full-day orientation will take place on May 22, 2025. Would you be able to begin work by May 22 or before?
    • Are there dates on your calendar that might need to be worked around?
  • Have your transcript and resume ready to upload when you complete your application.
    Please use PDF format for these attachments.
  • Request a current/former employee or a professor/academic advisor to write a letter of
    recommendation and email to by October 25. This letter will
    be added to your application packet.
  • Please use the following file names for your attachments:
    • Resume – First Last_resume
    • Transcript – First Last_Transcript


Q: Students from what universities are eligible to apply for an OSU Intern position?

A: Eligible students from Oklahoma State University and Langston University must be enrolled as a junior, senior or graduate student.


Q: What are the qualifications for the internship position?

A: Interns should be college juniors, seniors or graduate students by the time they begin their internship in May. Interns must be currently enrolled with at least a 2.5 GPA. Students with an interest in Extension careers will be given priority. Preferred majors include degrees in agriculture or family and consumer sciences, or dietetics.


Q: How much will each intern be paid?

A: The pay is $14 per hour for undergraduate students for a 40-hour week for 8-10 weeks. Graduate student salary is $16 per hour for a 40-hour week for 8-10 weeks.


Q: Is there an orientation? Will I be paid when participating in orientation?

A: Yes, orientation will be held May 22, 2025 at the OSU campus. County intern supervisors will be asked to attend with their intern. Interns will be paid for their attendance at the orientation.


Q: What will be my responsibility as an intern?

A: The objective of the internship is to provide an opportunity for the students to
experience the work that Extension professionals perform. Interns will be asked to plan and teach programs at the local level under the supervision of an Extension Educator.


Q: Will I receive academic credit for this internship?

A: Credit for this internship is a matter to be determined by the student and his or her professors. OSU Extension will not coordinate credits for internships. Intern supervisors can aid in completing documentation if needed to validate hours or duties performed for internship credit requirements.


Q: What is OSU Extension?

A: OSU Extension is an external teaching arm of Oklahoma State University. You can explore more on the OSU Extension website. OSU Extension has a specific range of topics that educators teach. These include agriculture and natural resources, family and consumer sciences, 4-H youth development, and rural and community development. OSU Extension has a presence in each county in Oklahoma. All (or most) US States and many US territories also have Extension programs.


Q: What county will I be assigned if accepted as an OSU Extension intern?

A: Interns will be matched with a county acceptable to them and to the host county. To provide a student with new experiences, placement in the student’s home county will be avoided if possible. Counties apply to serve as a host site and those counties are listed in the application for the applicant to rank. Number of placements is dependent on county host sites available, number of intern applicants and the ability to match interns with counties. Maximum number on intern positions is 10.


Q: Are there funds to help with living arrangements in the counties?

A: There are no funds to help with living expenses in the counties. Some counties may be able to assist in finding local arrangements for housing but are not required to do so.


Q: Are there funds to help support my work in the county?

A: The intern and their supervisor will submit a budget proposal for a maximum of $100 per week to help support the internship. These funds can be used for travel or supplies needed to help plan, conduct, and evaluate programs or events associated with the internship. For example, an 8-week internship will have $800 available. As internships are limited to 10 weeks, a maximum of $1,000 is available per internship. Travel is often with the educator(s) who can provide shared transportation. Travel is not provided to and from your residence to the office (commuting mileage). You will be allowed to recover approved registration fees for meetings, conferences, etc. that are part of the county intern’s approved budget.


Q: Are there reporting requirements?

A: If the student is involved in an internship program through a department (with or without credit) where there is a reporting process in place, the student will follow that process. The student will also comply with the requirements of the OSU Extension Intern Program. The reporting requirements for the internship include:

  • Periodic virtual check-in meetings to discuss topics or share information.
  • A 2-page written report about the special project completed.
  • A video not to exceed 5 minutes that showcases the variety of experiences the intern observed, assisted, or taught and the special project.
  • Intern self-appraisal and performance appraisal with supervisor and County Extension Director.


Q: Is there any other recognition or scholarship opportunities from serving as an OSU Extension Intern?

A: Interns will be evaluated on their participation in online sessions, written report, video, self-appraisal and performance appraisal. One intern will be selected as the Outstanding OSU Extension Intern. The student will be recognized at the OSU Extension Biennial Conference, County Directors’ Conference, or another appropriate event in January. The award will be a plaque and a $250 scholarship.


Q: Are there behavioral expectations or a position description?

A: Yes, both documents require intern and supervisor signatures before beginning the internship. Interns are expected to act as professionals in the community/county where they complete their internship. The student will be expected to meet the standards of professionalism as described in the Behavioral Guidelines and Position Description posted on the internships webpage.


Q: When will I know if I get an internship?

A: Interviews will be conducted in early-November. Positions will be filled before the University closes for Winter break.


Q: If I do not get a funded internship, are there other internships with OSU Extension?

A: Some counties that are not selected to be among the host sites may be approved by administration to host non-paid opportunities.


Q: Will the 40-hour work week be limited to Monday through Friday? Will I have every weekend off?

A: The 40-hour work week will be established between the intern and their county supervising educator. Many county events take place in the evenings and/or on the weekend, so some night and weekend work may be required to fully “experience” the role of the educator.


Q: Will there be opportunity for me to network with other interns?

A: Yes, interns will have opportunities to meet each other during orientation and when attending multi-county, district or state events. A bi-weekly webinar will be hosted for interns to share information and discuss topics. The webinar will be hosted by the Program & Personnel Development Specialist. The schedule will be shared prior to internship beginning so dates can be put on the calendar.