Commercial Vegetable Varieties for Oklahoma
A successful commercial crop begins with the selection of varieties that are adapted to the area. The varieties listed below have proven to be successful either in variety trials conducted by Oklahoma State University or in plantings throughout the state. Space limits the number of varieties that can be listed. Those that have proven to be the most popular have been given priority, but are not necessarily listed in order of preference. Some notes are given regarding disease resistance, etc., specifically some varieties.
- U.C. 157
- U.C. 157 F2
- Greenwich-male
- Jersey Gem-male
- Jersey Queen-female
- Bush
- Ambra
- Brio
- Bluelake 274
- Bronco
- Lewis
- Magnum
- Roma II
- Sybaris
- Ulysses
- Horticultural
- Taylor Dwarf Horticultural bean
- Dwarf Horticultural Long Pod
- Lima
- Fordhook 242
- Henderson Bush
- Bridgeton
- Pole
- Dade
- White Seeded Kentucky Wonder 191
- Kentucky Wonder
- Wax
- Goldrush
- Cherokee Wax
- Boro
- Merlin
- Red Ace
- Detroit Dark Red
- Ruby Queen
- Green Magic
- Gypsy
- Lieutenant
- Emerald Crown
- Green Magic
- Castle Dome
- Packman (early/home use)
- Premium Crop
Brussels Sprouts
- Not recommended for OK. If attempted, choose an early hybrid cultivar.
- Blue Thunder
- Blue Vantage
- Bobcat
- Bravo
- Charmant
- Pacifica
- Super Elite
- Super Red 80
- Caravelle
- Cruiser
- Gold Rush
- Navigator (trial)
- Super 45
- Bolero-Nantes type
- Ingot-Nantes type
- Neptune-Imperator type
- Kamaran-Imperator type
- Apex (trial)
- Minuteman
- Snow Crown (home use)
- Champion
- Georgia
- Top Pick
- Top Bunch
- Vates
- Flash
- Bulldog
Corn, Sweet
- Bodacious, yellow, se group
- Incredible, yellow, se group
- Cameo, bicolor, se group
- Synergy, bicolor, se group
- Argent, white, se group
- Whiteout, white, se group
- GSS 0966, yellow, sh2 group, GMO
- Passion II, yellow, sh2 group
- 7143, bicolor, sh2 group
- BSS 0977, bicolor, sh2 group, GMO
- Obsession, bicolor, sh2 group
- Shasta, white, se group
- Whiteout, white, se group
- WSS 0987, white, sh2 group
- Ice Queen, white, sh2 group
- Munition, white, sh2 group
- Slicing
- Dasher II
- General Lee
- Turbo
- Classic
- Dusky
- Santana
- Little Fingers
- Blue Ridge
- Lacinato
- Redbor
- Improved Dwarf Siberian
- Red Russian
- Vates Blue Curled Scotch
- Buttercrunch/ Butterhead
- Nancy/Butterhead
- Green Towers/Romaine
- Vulcan/ Red Leaf
- Red Sails/Leaf
- Tropicana/Leaf
- Two Star/Leaf
- Mustard
- Florida Broadleaf
- Southern Giant Curled
- Tendergreen
- Savanna
- Annie Oakley II
- Cajun Delight
- Clemson Spineless 80
- Emerald
- Green
- Evergreen Bunching
- White
- Super Star
- Yellow
- Granex, Short day
- Grano 1015Y, Short day
- Candy, Intermediate day
- Cimarron, Intermediate day
- Bolero
- Oregon Sugar Pod # 2 /edible pod
- Super Sugar Snap /edible pod
- Knight
- Little Marvel
- Spring
- Bell
- *Gator Belle, TMV
- *Karma, TMV
- *King Arthur, PVY, TMV
- X3R Aristotle
- Ancho/Poblano
- San Martin
- *Tiburon, BLS, TMV
- Jalapeno
- *Compadre, PVY, TMV
- El Rey
- Santa Fe Grande
- Mitla
*Above Pepper disease resistance codes: BLS = resistance to Bacterial Leaf Spot, PVY = resistance to Potato Virus Y, TMV = resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus
- Norland “Red” / round red
- Red LaSoda / round red
- Russet Norkotah / long russet
- Superior / round white
- Field
- Howden
- *Mustang, PM resistance
- *Charisma, PM resistance
- Magician
- Pie
- Orange Smoothie
- Winter Luxury
- Small
- Touch of Autumn
*Above Pumpkin disease resistance codes: PM resistance = Powdery Mildew resistance
- Fireball
- Fuego
- Red Satin
- Not recommended for OK. If attempted, try Victoria.
Southern Pea
- California Blackeye # 5
- Coronet/Pinkeye
- Elite/cream
- Top Pick/ brown crowder
- Mississippi Silver/Brown crowder
- Pinkeye Purple Hull BVR
- *Baker/ Bolt resistant, some DM resistance
- *Banjo/ bolt resistant, Dm resistance
- *Bolero/ Bolt resistant, several DM resistance
- *Crescent/ Some WR, Most DM, bolt resistant
- *Olympia/ Several DM, bolt resistant
- *Persius/ Some DM, WR, some bolting
- *Regal/ Some WR, several DM, bolt resistant
- *Riverside/ DM, bolt resistant
- *Samish/ Some WR, some DM, early bolting
- *Teton/ Some DM, very bolt resistant
*Above Spinach disease resistance codes: DM = Downy Mildew some races,
WR = White Rust,
Spinach bolt resistance = indicates less likely to flower during long day lengths
(spring, early summer)
Summer types
- Peter Pan, green scallop
- Sunburst, yellow scallop
- Prelude II, yellow crookneck
- Sunglo, yellow crookneck
- Supersett, yellow crookneck
- Fortune, yellow straight-neck
- Superpik, yellow straight-neck
- CashFlow, green zucchini
- Dividend, green zucchini
- Payroll, green zucchini
Winter types
- Autumn Delight, green acorn
- *TayBelle, green acorn, PM
- Bonbon, buttercup
- Burgess Buttercup, buttercup
- *Chieftain, butternut, PM
- Ultra HP Premium, butternut
- Waltham Butternut, butternut
*Above Squash disease resistance codes:
PM resistance = Powdery Mildew resistance
- Beauregard/ Orange flesh
- Bonita/ White flesh
- Centennial/ Orange flesh
- Cordner/ Orange flesh
- Covington/ Orange flesh
- Evangeline/ Orange flesh
- Jewel/ Orange flesh
- O’Henry/ Cream flesh
- Southern Delite/ Orange flesh
Swiss Chard
- Bright Lights/ Multiple color petioles
- Fordhook/ White petioles
- Peppermint/ Red petioles
- Rhubarb/ Red petioles
- *Bella Rosa, TSWV, VF 1,2
- *Florida 47R, VF1,2,ASC,St
- *Florida 91, VF1,2,ASC,St
- *Mountain Fresh Plus, VF1,2,N
- *Mountain Glory, VF1,2,TSWV
- *Red Morning, TSWV, VF 1,2
- *Scarlet Red, VF1,2,ASC,St
- *Solar Fire, VF1,2,3,St
- *Top Gun, VF1,2,ASC,St,TSWV
- *Valley Girl, VF1,2
- *Carolina Gold, VF1,2
- Red Cherry
- Washington Cherry
- Baxter’s Early Bush
- *Mountain Belle, V, F
- Yellow Cherry
- *GoldNugget, V
- Pink, Light Red, Plum
- Principe Borghese
*Above tomato Disease resistance codes:
V = Verticillium wilt
F = Fusarium wilt (with races 1, 2, 3
N = Southern root knot nematode
ASC = Alternaria stem canker
St = Stemphylium (gray leaf spot)
TSWV = Tomato spotted wilt virus
- Alltop/ Greens
- Hakurei/ White root
- Just Right/ White root
- Purple Top White Globe/ Purple &
- White root
- Royal Crown
- Shogoin/ Greens
- Southern Green/ Greens
- Delta, diploid
- Jamboree, diploid
- *Jubilee II, diploid, IR
- *Royal Sweet, diploid, R
- Starbrite, diploid, S
- *Sangria, diploid, R 1 & 2, A
- *Fascination, triploid, R
- Summer Sweet 5234, triploid, S
- Tri X 313, triploid, S
*Above Watermelon Disease resistance codes:
A = resistance to anthracnose,
S = Susceptible to Fusarium wilt race 1, IR=Intermediate resistance to Fusarium wilt
race 1,
R=resistant to Fusarium wilt race 1, and or 2 = resistant to Fusarium wilt race 2
L. Brandenberger
Professor, Food Crops
Brian Kahn
Professor, Vegetables
James Shrefler
Area Extension Horticulture Specialist