Mike Trammell
Ag Educator | Regional Agronomist
Areas of Expertise
Crop Production
Forages, Hay and Forage Production/Management
Inter-seeding Legumes
Native Pasture Management
Pasture Establishment
Plant Identification
Year-Round Grazing Systems
Wildlife Food Plots
About Me
I'm a native to Pottawatomie County and grew up in the Tecumseh area where my rural lifestyle involved hauling hay every summer and raising livestock. I earned a bachelor's degree in conservation and natural resources from Southeastern Oklahoma State University and a master's degree in plant biology from the University of South Dakota.
My previous work experience includes nearly 20 years as a forage plant breeder at the Noble Research Institute, developing forages for the southern Great Plains, as well as 10 years in forage extension and research at the University of Nebraska. I have also served in several roles involving feed testing, forage and crop advisory boards and committees.
In my OSU Extension role, I wear two hats as an Ag educator and a multi-county agronomist serving the southeast district. In the past I've always been more involved in the research side of agriculture, developing and testing new forages and grazing systems for producers. My role with OSU Extension provides a way for me to serve producers more on the frontlines, keeping them informed about current activities and developments in production agriculture.
- Beef Cattle Nutrition
- Forage College
- Forage Crop and Pasture Management
- Forage and Soil Testing
- Master Cattleman Program (Forage and Hay)
- On-farm Demonstrations & Research Trials
- Pesticide Applicator Training
- Wildlife Food Plots