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The OSU Extension Conference Center is located on the Northeast Regional Health and Wellness Campus (NERHWC) at 2500 NE 63rd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73111.  The Conference Center is located on the west side of the campus.  Parking is available anywhere on the campus except where marked “Reserved.”


OSU Extension reserves the right to determine which events are suitable for the OSU Extension Conference Center.  All events are subject to availability and approval, must be educational in manner, and partnering with an OSU Extension educator. Please note, there will be no Zoom support available. Scheduling is currently open for July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Please contact the office for more information at (405) 713-1125

  • Features & Amenities
    • 200 combined seating capacity with projector, monitors, audio/visual equipment, sound system and podium
    • Smaller classrooms with monitors and audio/visual equipment, no sound system
    • Free Wi-Fi
    • Portable charging stations
    • Demonstration Kitchen
    • Coffee pot available
    • Handicap accessible parking
  • Partner Fees for Room Reservations

    Pistol Pete room (seats 40 classroom)

    • ½ day $25.00
    • Full day $50.00

    Bullet room (seats 40 classroom)                 

    • ½ day $25.00
    • Full day $50.00

    Presidential Hall (seats 64 and has demo kitchen)   

    • ½ day $ 50.00
    • Full day $ 100.00

    All rooms (seats 144 classroom or 250 chairs)

    • ½ day $ 100.00
    • Full day $150.00
  • The conditions for usage of the OSU Extension Conference Center
    • Any failure to clean or damages that occur to facility and furnishings from an event will result in automatic billing to the sponsoring organization or responsible party or person.  OSU Extension reserves the right to collect from any organization or responsible party or person for damages or losses resulting from the use or misuse of the facility or equipment.
    • The sponsoring organization of an event/meeting hosted at the conference center is responsible for returning the room’s furniture back to its original arrangement.
    • All equipment must be handled with extreme care – projectors, monitors, laptops, microphones, tables, chairs, etc.  Any damage to equipment, fixtures or furniture (including carpet) should be reported immediately to on-site event manager and documented on form.  This expense will be paid by the sponsor organization or responsible party or person.
    • Cannot be used for events that have an admission charge unless approved by director.
    • No children under the age of 18 are allowed in the building without adequate adult supervision.  Please do not allow children to run anywhere in the conference center or parking area.
    • OSU Extension is not responsible for items that are lost, damaged or stolen from the facility.
    • The conference center is closed for events on holidays when the OSU Extension Oklahoma County Office is closed unless approved by the director.
    • Church services or political meetings are prohibited.
    • No candles, rice, birdseed, glitter, confetti, or other substances that can either stain or become embedded in the carpet may be used inside the conference center.
    • The use of tape, glue, nails, staples, thumbtacks or any other type of adhesives on the walls, ceilings, door frames, or other facility surfaces is prohibited.
    • Suspending material from the ceilings or light fixtures is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to decorations, displays or banners.
    • Materials used must be flame retardant.
    • Candle, oil lamps, incense, fire, chemicals are prohibited.
    • The use of loud speakers, microphones, or other noise making devices that interfere with other activities in the building are prohibited.  Amplified sounds need to be kept to acceptable levels.
    • No animals are allowed in the conference center.  Guide or service animals as deemed necessary by ADA are exempt.
    • NERHWC is a smoke free and tobacco free campus.  Therefore, these products are strictly prohibited.
    • No alcohol or use of illegal drugs are allowed in conference center or anywhere on the NERHWC.  Therefore, these products are strictly prohibited.
    • The possession of and/or discharge of firearms and/or explosives on NERHWC Campus is prohibited.
    • No property of the conference center may be removed from the building.


Please complete the following form to request the conference center.


Is the event/meeting charging a registration fee from participants and/or vendors? If you answered yes, please refer to the room fee structure for reservation charges.*
Do you expect this event/meeting to be catered? Caterers must be a licensed facility and if requested must provide copy of their current licenses.*
Will you need kitchen area?*
Will you need A/V Equipment? *
If yes, check below what is needed.