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Jan Maples

Janelle Maples professional profile.
Okfuskee County

Family and Consumer Sciences/4-H Educator

1201 E Columbia, Suite AOkemah, OK 623-0641

Areas of Expertise

Family relationships

Human development



About Me

Upon reflection, I humbly acknowledge that I chose to be an Extension educator because of the wonderful, strong and resilient role models I had the advantage of knowing and interacting with growing up in my mother's home demonstration club. I observed first-hand their knowledge  gained and utilized, their support for each other and their community, and the leadership they displayed. I admit that I wanted to assist in continuing this beneficial educational tradition. I am fervent about my vocation as an Extension Educator because I truly believe that all people need to be equipped with the necessary life skills to become empowered in solving their problems and enhancing their lives.


I once heard someone describe the Extension profession as a vocation, which perfectly describes my feelings about being an OSU Extension county educator. Extension work is more than a job or occupation, and even more than a career.


I hold a bachelor of science degree in home economics from Oklahoma State University and a

master of business administration degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University.



  • Advisor to the Okfuskee County Oklahoma Home and Community Education (OHCE) organization
  • Co-Parenting for Resilience
  • Tai chi:  Moving for Better Balance
  • Nutrition for Older Adults
  • Live Well, Eat Well, and Be Active with Diabetes (L.E.A.D.)
  • Welcome to the Real World
  • Sewing Basics
  • Family and Consumer Science-related programming to 4-H members and other county youth
  • Poverty Simulation