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The 4-H Youth Development Program provides Oklahoma youth, families, and communities with educational programs that create environments for diverse audiences of youth and adults to reach their fullest potential. 4-H focuses on developing youth as individuals and responsible, productive citizens by involving youth in community-based clubs, school enrichment programs and both group and individual projects to develop the individuals four "H's" - Head, Heart, Hands and Health.

What is 4-H?

4-H is the largest youth organization in the nation, open to youth grades 3rd - 12th grades and administered by the OSU Extension. Through 4-H, youth learn valuable life skills that enable them to grow into productive citizens. Through hands-on learning opportunities in many different areas of interest, youth develop critical thinking skills, gain self-confidence, set and achieve goals, and learn responsibility.


4-H offers fun and unique opportunities to enhance life skills through age-appropriate activities.  Youth also have the opportunity to be part of the county officers and ambassadors, a team specifically for youth grades 7th to 12th that meet for service projects and fun outings.  Junior 4-H members, grades 3rd - 6th, can attend 4-H camp and Jr Roundup by earning points through participation in 4-H activities throughout the year.  For those youth ages 5 to 7, the Cloverbud program provides an introduction to 4-H activities through a non-competitive format.




Okfuskee Clubs

Club Club Leader Meeting Info
Bearden 4-H Danielle Deere  Contact Danielle for meeting information
Graham/Dustin 4-H Darrell Crow 1st Wednesday Graham Auditorium 12:35 pm 
Mason 4-H Tonia Smith 2nd Wednesday Mason Cafeteria 4:15 pm 
Okemah Jr. 4-H Karie Neely  First Monday @ Extension Office 5:00 pm
Okemah Sr. 4-H Karie Neely First Monday @ Extension Office 5:00 pm
Paden 4-H   Last Monday @ Paden Cafeteria 3:30 pm 
Weleetka 4-H Brett and Amanda Riker 3rd Wednesday Elementary School 3:30 pm 
Projects club     
Shooting Sports Chris Cheatwood Contact Matt or Melanie for Practice dates 
 STEM Paul Bumgardner

2nd Sunday, Okfuskee County Fair Barn,

2:00 pm