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Areas of Expertise

4-H and Youth Development

Volunteer Planning

Planning and Organizing District-Wide Events/Activities

Staff Supervision

Budgets and Financing

About Me

One of the key elements of my job is to encourage and provide guidance to Extension educators who wish to take on new challenges, expand their capabilities and knowledge, and strengthen Extension offerings to their county residents and cooperating public and private organizations. Unsurprisingly, I work with Extension staff throughout the district on budget, programming and other issues, and with state specialists in Extension as well. I put together a monthly district newsletter that highlights educator success stories as an in-house generator of ideas about programming, as inspiration for those seeking to enhance programming in their county and as a way to shine light on those who are serving OSU Extension stakeholders especially well. I became Northeast District Director on Dec. 2, 2019.


I am a native of northeastern Oklahoma, growing up on a dairy farm in Stilwell. My husband Danny and I still live in my hometown. Prior to joining OSU Extension, I was a high school teacher for 11 years. I am an alumna three times over of Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, where I earned my first bachelor’s degree in secondary education in 1991, my master’s degree in college teaching in 2000 and then a second bachelor’s degree in adult and youth development in 2006.



  • Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP), Osage Nation
  • NE District 4-H, FCS and Ag Programming

