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Debbie Sharp

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Murray County

County Extension Director | Family and Consumer Sciences/4-H Educator

3490 Highway 7 WestSulphur, OK 622-3016

About Me

I enjoy sharing information with people that changes their lives for the better. OSU Extension has been part of my life for 40 years, as I also served as a 4-H leader and was selected as the state's first 4-H Volunteer Leader of the Year. Being around other Extension staff and the 4-H program sparked my desire to be part of OSU Extension.


I grew up in Valliant, Oklahoma, and graduated from Southeastern State University with degrees in home economics education and elementary education. I then earned a master's degree from OSU in adult education.


Through my education and experience as a 4-H leader, I am able to serve Murray County with educational programming in Family and Consumer Sciences and 4-H Development. I serve as the Oklahoma Home and Community Education educational advisor for the county and deliver our Co-Parenting for Resilience program.