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Welcome to the Mayes County 4-H Program. The 4-H mission is to help young people become motivated, productive and contributing members of society as they “learn by doing.” 4-H members, parents and volunteers are encouraged to communicate with the 4-H staff. We are always happy to help you.

What is 4-H?

4-H is the largest youth organization in the nation, open to youth grades 3rd - 12th grades and administered by the OSU Extension. Through 4-H, youth learn valuable life skills that enable them to grow into productive citizens. Through hands-on learning opportunities in many different areas of interest, youth develop critical thinking skills, gain self-confidence, set and achieve goals, and learn responsibility.


Although 4-H is deeply rooted in agricultural practices, its not cows, plows and sows anymore. Today's 4-H youth can still be found showing steers, but also using GPS units, teaching others about drug and alcohol prevention, traveling, taking photographs and giving speeches.

Mayes County 4-H Handbook

The 4-H Handbook is a useful tool for every 4-H member. The handbook covers roles of 4-H members, parents, and volunteers, provides guidelines for 4-H awards, and has detailed information for every county 4-H event. It is a must have for every 4-H family.


Mayes County 4-H Handbook


Mayes County Record Book



Oklahoma State 4-H


Mayes County 4-H Clubs


4-H is a youth development program open to all youth in Mayes County. Youth may enroll in 4-H on August 1st if they are 8 and in the 3rd grade. 4-H membership ends on July 31 following the completion of the 12th grade or having reached the age of 19 on or before August 1st, whichever comes first.


Cloverbud is a non-competitive 4-H program for youth 5 - 8 years of age that are not yet able to enroll as 4-H members.