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4-H Youth Development

The Oklahoma 4-H Program is committed to positive youth development by providing young people with opportunities to belong to an organization where they can grow as individuals and master new skills that will benefit them throughout life, with the goal of participants giving back to their community through service. 


Annually, Oklahoma 4-H provides community based learning programs for more than 145,000 youth in rural and urban areas, with minority youth comprising 36% of Oklahoma's total 4-H enrollment.  More than half of 4-H alumni earn a college degree, compared to 20% of the general populace.


Approximately 95% of 4-H alumni are volunteers in their communities, with 86% of those having held a leadership position in a civic organization within the last three years.  Fully 88% of State 4-H alumni continue to live, work, raise children, and spend money in Oklahoma.


4-H Pledge

"I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger service,
and my health to better living,
for my club, my community, my country, and my world."


4-H Motto

To Make the Best Better


Logan County 4-H Shooting Sports Policy and Events

Program Objectives, Philosophy, Discipline, Age Requirements, Dress Code, Program Administration, Instructor Certification Requirements, Hunter Safety Education Verification, and other important information about the program.


If you have any questions about Logan County Shooting Sports, then call the Logan County Extension office at (405) 282-3331.