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Welcome to the Kiowa County 4-H Program and all the exciting challenges that lie ahead! 4-H is a family organization that offers any youth (8-19 years of age) an opportunity for year-round involvement.

4-H Mission

The mission of the 4-H Youth Development Program is to provide Oklahoma youth, families, and communities with educational programs which will create environments for diverse audiences of youth and adults to reach their fullest potential by developing and enhancing skills for living.


4-H Pledge

I pledge...

my head to clearer thinking,

my heart to greater loyalty,

my hands to larger service, and

my health to better living for

my club, my community,

my country, and my world.


4-H Motto

"To Make the Best Better"



Every 4-H member is encouraged to keep and submit a County 4-H Record Book every year. This Kiowa County 4-H Record Book Starter Kit is what you need to keep track of all of your hard work and participation in the 4-H program.