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  • Check In: Wednesday and Thursday, check Calendar of Events for times
  • Judging: Thursday - judging is closed to the public
  • Release of Exhibit: Saturday, check Calendar of Events for times
  • Location: Exhibit Hall
  • Sponsor: Jackson County Fair

Ribbons will be awarded. If you place First in your class, there is a $5.00 premium paid. You can pick up the first-place voucher at the fair or OSU Extension office. You must redeem your voucher at the Frazer Bank before October 1st. No vouchers will be mailed.

Food Preparation


Food should be exhibited in disposable plates and covered with transparent wrapping or zip lock bag.  The use of mixes is prohibited except for designated classes.  After judging all baked goods can be taken, but a sample must be left with ribbon and tag.


Quick Breads

Class 1.  Banana bread (includes banana nut)

Class 2.  Bread with fruit

Class 3.  Biscuits, three

Class 4.  Carrot cake

Class 5.  Coffeecake

Class 6.  Cornbread (three squares, muffins or sticks)

Class 7.  Muffins (three) with fruit added

Class 7a. Muffins (three)

Class 8.  Pumpkin bread

Class 9.  Other bread not listed

Class 10.  Bar cookies, other than brownies

Class 11.  Brownies, iced

Class 12.  Brownies plain

Class 13.  Chocolate chip cookies

Class 14.  Cookies, decorated (judged on decoration only)

Class 15.  Creative mix cookies (use cake or cookie mix a base)

Class 16.  Decorated cookie

Class 17.  Drop cookies

Class 18.  Oatmeal cookies

Class 19.  Peanut butter cookies

Class 20.  Refrigerator cookies

Class 21.  Sugar cookies

Class 22.  Other cookies not listed


Cakes (whole, un-iced cake)

Class 23.  Bundt cake, made from different recipe than any listed

Class 24.  Chocolate cake

Class 25.  Creative mix tricks (use cake mix) layered

Class 26a. Creative mix tricks (use cake mix) loaf or bundt

Class 26b. Cupcake iced (2)

Class 27a. Decoration for cake (judged on decoration only.  Need not be on a cake)

Class 27b. Gingerbread house

Class 28.  Sunshine or yellow cake

Class 29.  White cake

Class 30.  Other cake not listed


Candies (3 pieces)

Class 31.  Aunt Bill’s brown candy

Class 32.  Bon Bons

Class 33.  Chocolate fudge

Class 34.  Date loaf

Class 35a. Divinity

Class 35b. Lollipops

Class 36.  Nut Brittle

Class 37.  Party mints

Class 38.  Popcorn ball

Class 39.  Others candies not listed


Pies (Whole pie must be brought in disposable pans)

Class 40.  Apple

Class 41.  Berry, any kind

Class 42.  Cherry

Class 43.  Cobbler, any kind

Class 44.  Peach

Class 45.  Pecan

Class 46.  Pumpkin

Class 47.  Other pies (no cream)


Special Diet

Class 48.  Low calorie prepared food (must include recipe)

Class 49.  Low fat prepared food

Class 50. Any other prepared food item not listed (Other food not in any other category)


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