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Terrarium of plant life. Refer to OSU Fact Sheet No. F-6438 or a similar guideline. No specific size of container, materials, plants or methods.


Criteria for judging will be:

  1. Compatibility and arrangement of plants and materials
  2. Appropriate potting media
  3. Attractiveness and originality,
  4. Appropriate size of plants for container.


Terrariums should feature either woodland or tropical plants and feature at least 3 different species of plants. Terrariums must be completely covered at all times.


Terrariums containing succulents will be disqualified; succulents belong in dish garden


  • Grades 3-5
  • Grades 6-8
  • Grades 9-12

Dish Gardens

Dish Garden of plant life. Please see OSU Fact Sheet HLA-6451 for more information.


Criteria for judging will be:

  1. Compatibility and arrangement of plants, potting media, and container
  2. Attractiveness and originality
  3. Appropriate size of plants for container.


Dish Gardens may feature succulents, carnivorous plants, or foliage plants.


Dish Gardens should be no larger than 15 inches in diameter, length, width, or height, and weigh no more than 15 pounds and contain at least 80% living plant material. Dish Garden should feature at least 3 different species of plants.


  • Grades 3-5
  • Grades 6-8
  • Grades 9-12

Residential Landscape Design Drawing

Develop a landscape design/drawing for the provided residence. Base maps should be printed on 11” x 17”. Once printed verify scale is 1 inches =10 feet. Design drawings are to be made directly on the provided base maps. Use provided examples of landscape symbols to draw and/or trace on the base map. Use the provided color rendered landscape drawings for example of effective designs and color techniques. Reference Landscape Design 4-H Fair Exhibit.

  • Use white 11” x 17” paper to horizontal exhibit landscape drawings
  • Create a column on the right side of sheet for title block, 2” wide from top of drawing to bottom. List the following in INK: Scale, symbols of plants, numbers representing trees, shrubs and plants and how many of each plant were used in the landscape. Example; 1-Rose (6), 2 –Oak Trees (4), 3-Petunia (3 Dozen or 36).
  • Name date, and club
  • Drawing is top view (plan view)
  • Use the scale provided: 1in = 10ft
  • Hand drawings or CAD drawings will be accepted
  • Draw plant symbols at mature plant size
  • Use the plant symbols and the materials symbols provided
  • Drawings must be full color
  • Walkways should be 3 ft or 5 ft wide
  • Patio(s) are required on the back of the house
  • In the drawings use a line to indicate the planting beds. All small trees, shrubs, and perennials should be inside a planting bed. Large trees could be found in the lawn or inside planting bed


  • Grades 3-5
  • Grades 6-8
  • Grades 9-12

Horticulture In Our Lives Poster Exhibit

Choose a fruit, vegetable, nut, spice, or beverage (tea, coffee, chocolate) crop, and create a poster depicting one of the following topics related to that crop:

  1. History (domestication process, global spread via immigrants, etc.)
  2. Production
  3. Use in different cultures
  4. Use in different processed foods
  • Grades 3-5
  • Grades 6-8
  • Grades 9-12



Model Cold Frame or Hoop House

Mounted on a piece of painted plywood no larger than 12” x 12”. Must include an explanation of the purpose of the structure, examples of potential uses, correct orientation in the landscape, and materials necessary in its construction. Explanation should be typed or handwritten on a laminated piece of white paper no larger than 8.5” x 11” and be securely attached to the model.


  • Grades 3-5
  • Grades 6-8
  • Grades 9-12


Model Vegetable Garden

Mounted on a piece of painted plywood no larger than 12” x 12”. Must include at least 5 different vegetables, show appropriate orientation (identify ‘north’), and appropriate spacing of plants. Must include an explanation of the layout of the garden, the spacing requirements of the selected plants, the dates each chosen vegetable would be planted/harvested, and any support structures (trellises, cages, etc.) necessary. The explanation should be typed or handwritten on a laminated piece of white paper no larger than 8.5” x 11” and be securely attached to the model. All pieces of the model must be handmade (no store bought fences, mini vegetables, etc.) 


  • Grades 3-5
  • Grades 6-8
  • Grades 9-12 

Pecan Information Exhibit



Any 4-H member interested in learning more about pecans and the pecan industry may prepare an exhibit. A notebook should be included in the display. The exhibit should provide information about the pecan industry such as history, importance to state, health benefits & nutrition, uses, production, processing, storage requirements or other topics pertaining to pecan. The exhibit should increase the public awareness of the importance and impact of the specific sector of the pecan industry. The notebook should include any involvement the exhibitor has had with teaching others, giving talks or demonstrations, preparing pecan foods, planning programs, producing pecans, field trips, etc. The notebook may be typed or handwritten and should include pictures.


Criteria for Judging

  • 30 points completeness of educational lesson
  • 30 points public appeal
  • 40 points notebook
  • Jr. Division (Grades 3-7)
  • Sr. Division (Grades 8-12
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