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Exhibit Unit I - Landscaping Home Ground

“Before and After” pictures not to exceed 5” x 7” of yard clean-up, plantings or construction of landscape elements mounted securely on one 14” x 22” sheet of poster board shall constitute this exhibit. Number of pictures should be no less than two nor greater than eight. Posters must be permanently signed and dated on the back.


Neatness and arrangement of pictures is important. A brief explanation of the project should be attached to the exhibit, and each picture must be labeled. The before and after pictures should show a definite change and should be taken from the same place so judges can evaluate the change. An exhibit should not be entered more than once unless it has been substantially revised.


  • Junior-(Grades 3-7)
  • Senior-(Grades 8-12

Exhibit Unit II - Herbarium Card

These exhibits shall consist of dried and pressed specimens of leaves and other specified parts of native or cultivated trees, vines and/or shrubs. Each leaf specimen should be mounted on a separate 8” x 10” herbarium card available at your County Extension Centers or the Herbarium Card online. Only the information required in your division should be filled out. The cards should be enclosed in a notebook or binder. Each specimen should be covered with a transparent plastic or similar covering to protect it from damage. No leaf should be more than 3 years old and at least one-third of the specimens must have been collected during the current project year.


Instructions for collecting and pressing are available in the OSU Extension Center.


Grades 3-5

A collection of 15 specimens with the following information: (1) common name, (2) general class, (3) kind of plant


Grades 6-8

A collection of 25 specimens with a pressed flower, or fruit or seed included with each specimen. Information on the card to be filled out is:

  1. Common Name
  2. General Class
  3. Kind of Plant
  4. Form
  5. Color
  6. Exposure


Grades 9-12

A collection of 30 specimens with a pressed flower, fruit or seed included with each specimen. All information on the card should be filled out 


Exhibit Unit III - Group Or Club Exhibit

A group is to consist of 3 or more 4-H members under supervision of 4-H leaders. All projects must employ horticulture material for the purpose of conserving natural beauty of an area or improving the aesthetic quality and/or function of an area. Other material such as concrete walks, benches, etc. may be used in addition to the horticulture material.


Judging Criteria

  1. A brief project description and statement of purpose and objectives.
  2. Creativity demonstrated and quality of the project.
    • Extent to which plan integrates total needs of area, short and long term.
    • Functional use and aesthetic considerations of horticultural materials and techniques.
    • Operational considerations of expenses encountered, resource personnel contacted and maintenance factors.
    • “Before and After” photographic sequence to illustrate effectiveness of the project.
  3. A brief summary of project activities, extent to which objectives were achieved, knowledge gained, and the particular significance of the project toward the improvement and beautification of your environment.
  4. Newspaper clippings and other publicity of the project. 


The exhibit to consist of landscape or environmental beautification project report on a project such as a home grounds, school, community center, church, city or roadside park, highway beautification, clean-up campaign, etc.

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