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  1. Potatoes, yellow, white or russet, 3 specimens
  2. Potatoes, red, 3 specimens
  3. Okra, 6 pods
  4. Onions, yellow, 3 specimens
  5. Onions, white, 3 specimens
  6. Onions, red, 3 specimens
  7. Pumpkin, field type (oblong), 1
  8. Pumpkin, jack-o-lantern (round and flat), 1
  9. Squash, winter, acorn, 1
  10. Squash, winter, butternut, 1
  11. Squash, winter, other, 1
  12. Eggplant, 2 specimens
  13. Squash, summer, zucchini, 2 specimens
  14. Squash, summer, yellow straight neck, 2 specimens
  15. Squash summer, yellow crook neck, 2 specimens
  16. Squash, summer, patty pan (scallop type), 2 specimens
  17. Sweet potatoes, any variety, 3 specimens
  18. Pepper, jalapeno, 5 specimens
  19. Pepper, other hot pepper, 5 specimens
  20. Pepper, sweet bell pepper, 5 specimens
  21. Pepper, banana pepper, 5 specimens
  22. Tomatoes, large type, 5 specimens
  23. Tomatoes, cherry type (1 1/2” or less in diameter), 5 specimens
  24. Watermelon, oblong type, 1
  25. Watermelon, round type, 1
  26. Watermelon, small icebox, 1
  27. Red apples, plate of five
  28. Yellow apples, plate of five
  29. Pears, plate of five

Home Garden Food Basket

 This exhibit is a quality selection of five to nine species of mature fruits and/or vegetables from the exhibit list above, items not listed can be used but should not be more than a third of the species utilized. Amounts of fruits and vegetables in this exhibit should be such that they can be arranged in a neat and orderly manner and have good eye appeal. There must be enough of each fruit and vegetable for the judge to determine quality.


All fruits and vegetables exhibited must be grown by the exhibitor.


No specimens in this exhibit may be entered in another class. Any combination of fruits and vegetables may be used, with the exception of cantaloupe.


The exhibit must be in a container such as a basket or box.


One-third (1/3) of the judging will be on how well the exhibit is prepared and presented. Packing such as paper, straw or cloth may be used but the fruits and vegetables should be the main attraction of the exhibit.


No artificial plant materials or specimens can be utilized as part of the exhibit.


  • Junior Division (Grades 3-7)
  • Senior Division (Grades 8-12)

Self Determined Gardening


Junior Division (Grades 3-7)

Poster size is 14” x 22”. Other exhibits limited to 4’x4’x4’ due to space limitations


Senior Division (Grades 8-12)

Poster size is 14” x 22”. Other exhibits limited to 4’x4’x4’ due to space limitations 


Giant Pumpkin Contest (Tentative)

Sponsored by Oklahoma Fruit and Vegetable Association (OFVA)


All 77 Counties can bring Pumpkins. Held only at the Oklahoma State Fair.


One (1) fruit of any variety of pumpkin or pumpkin-type squash may be entered. Entry limited to Oklahoma 4-H and FFA members only.


The submitted fruit must have been grown in Oklahoma by a 4-H or FFA member.


The fruit must be free of damage that would limit storage and exhibition. It should be intact, without lesions, cuts or open wounds.


Fruits will be weighed to determine the heaviest, on date to be determined


The OFVA will supervise the weighing and select those retained for exhibition during OSF, all others will be sent home.



OFVA will give trophies to the top 3 heaviest entries.

  • First place: $100
  • Second place: $50
  • Third place: $2
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