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  • All crop exhibits must be grown by the exhibitor as part of a 4-H project during the year exhibited.
  • Grain may not be returned to the exhibitor except for the following legumes: alfalfa, sweet clover and vetch. Grain and seed exhibits should be brought and will be exhibited in one gallon clear jars (plastic or glass) with a lid. Alfalfa and small seeded legumes can substitute 1/2 gallon clear jars. Exhibits of bolls of cotton, ears of corn, or heads of grain sorghum should be brought and exhibited in a small shallow, wooden, plastic, or cardboard box of appropriate size for the respective exhibit.



4-H Cotton Exhibit — (20 Open Bolls) 

Exhibit to be shown with petiole attached, bract leaves removed and burr side up.

  1. Any Variety


4-H Corn Exhibit — (10 ears) 

  1. Corn Ears


4-H Gradin Sorghum Exhibit - (10 heads)

Exhibit to be trimmed with 2 1/2 inches of peduncle left on the head.

  1. Grain Sorghum


4-H Threshed Grain Sorghum Exhibit — (15 Pounds Grain)

  1. Grain Sorghum


4-H Canola Exhibit — (15 Pounds Grain)

  1. Canola


4-H Small Grain Exhibit

All exhibits of wheat must be labeled as to specific variety or name of hybrid. Small grain exhibit shall be approximately one peck. Please refer to the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet PSS-2168 Maturity Classification of Wheat Varieties varieties.html for suggested varieties.


  1. Very Early and Early Maturity Hard Red Wheat Varieties
  2. Medium Maturity Hard Red Wheat Varieties
  3. Late and Very Late Maturity Hard Red Wheat Varieties
  4. Hard White Winter Wheat Varieties
  5. Any other wheat variety including Hard White Varieties and Soft Red Varieties
  6. Oats, any variety
  7. Rye, any variety
  8. Barley, any variety


4-H Legume Seed Exhibit

  1. Alfalfa (2 quarts)
  2. Other small seeded legumes, such as vetch, sweet clover, etc. (2 quarts)
  3. Soybeans (1 peck)
  4. Other large seeded legumes, such as cowpeas, mung beans, winter peas, etc. (1 peck)
  5. Peanuts, any type/variety (1 peck)


Peanut Information Exhibit

Eligibility: Any 4-H member interested in learning more about peanuts and the peanut industry may prepare an exhibit. A 4-H notebook should be included in the display. The exhibit should provide information about one phase of the peanut industry such as history, use, production, processing, or importance. Exhibit should increase the public awareness of the importance and impact of the specific sector of the peanut industry selected. The notebook should include any involvement the exhibitor has had with peanuts, such as teaching others, giving talks or demonstrations, preparing peanut foods, planning programs, producing peanuts, etc.


The notebook may be typed or handwritten and should include pictures.


Criteria for judging:

  • 30 points: Completeness of education lesson
  • 30 points: Public appeal
  • 40 points: Notebook
  1. Junior Division (Grades 3-7)
  2. Senior Division (Grades 8-12)


Crops in Our Lives Poster Exhibit

Choose an agronomic crop, and create a poster depicting one of the following topics related to that crop:

  • History (domestication process, global spread via immigrants, etc.)
  • Production
  • Use in different cultures
  • Use in different processed foods
  1. Grades 3-5
  2. Grades 6-8
  3. Grades 9-12
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