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Forestry boards and exhibits must be signed and dated on the back by the Two holes should be drilled in the wood board to facilitate displaying the exhibit.

Tree Leaf Exhibits

Exhibits in classes 1-3 must conform to all requirements, including labeling and display requirements, outlined in 4-H fact sheet #236. “Collecting and Exhibiting Tree Leaves” (revised 9/2007)


  1. Grades 3-5 Collection of 10 leaves from trees native to Oklahoma (no introduced species). One specimen must be from a native evergreen — pine or juniper. Include a twig and buds with each broadleaf specimen. Exhibit must be properly labeled and displayed on board 22” wide and 28” tall.
  2. Grades 6-8 Collection of 15 leaf specimens, representing at least three of the five basic leaf types, from trees native to Oklahoma (no introduced species). Two specimens must be from a native awl or scale-leaf evergreen — pine or juniper. Nonnative species are acceptable only if they have been introduced for planting windbreaks and shelterbelts. Include a twig with buds with each broadleaf specimen. Exhibit must be properly labeled and displayed on board 28” tall and 44” wide. Two 28” x 22” boards hinged in the middle are more portable.
  3. Grades 9-12 Collection of 20 leaf specimens, representing at four of the five basic leaf types, from trees native to Oklahoma. Three specimens must be from needle, scale or awl-leaf evergreens. Species of pine not native to Oklahoma are acceptable if they have been introduced for planting windbreaks and shelterbelts. The palmate leaf sample must come from a native Oklahoma species.


Wood Sample Exhibit

Wood sample exhibits should conform to instructions outlined by grade group in Oklahoma 4-H Fact Sheet #238 “Wood Sample Exhibits” (revised 2/2007)

All members should use the guidlines for class II exhibits


  1. All Grades - The exhibit shall consist of eight (8) wood samples (4 hardwoods and 4 softwoods) mounted on plywood 1/4” thick x 22” wide x 20” high.


Self-Determined Exhibit

Open to 4-H members of all grades. Exhibit suggestions are listed in 4-H Members Guide, “4-H Forestry Self-Determined Exhibits.” Pub. #239 (revised 3/05). The exhibit shall consist of a poster, model, or any one of a great number of other creative efforts by the club member which relates to the science and technology of forestry or is otherwise directly related to forestry. If display not to exceed 36” x 36” (width x depth) or poster not to exceed 14” x 22”.


  1. Self-determined exhibit, Grades 3-7
  2. Self-determined exhibit, Grades 8-12


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