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  • No live ammunition, actual firearms or parts of firearm that could be reassembled should be included. Any manufactured part of a sporting arm may not be displayed. NO KNIVES, AXES, etc. may be entered.
  • For exhibits other than posters, attach a 3”x5” inch notecard to the back of the exhibit describing the exhibit, what was done to create or prepare this exhibit and how the exhibit relates to the Shooting Sports Project.
  • Exhibits deemed to be inappropriate will not be displayed. Exhibits suggested but not limited to posters, educational displays, journals, slings, quivers, gun stocks, decoys and equipment.
  • All exhibits will be judged on the basis of instructions and standards explained in the Oklahoma “501: 4-H Shooting Sports Exhibit Preparation Guidelines Leaders/Members Guide” #690 (1/2007) which is available through the County Extension Office and on the Oklahoma State 4-H Website

Junior Division - Grades 3-7

(for members who have beginning skill level)

  1. Archery Safety: any related item made
  2. All Other Discipline Safety: any related item made
  3. Archery: any related item made
  4. Air Pistol: any related item made
  5. Air Rifle: any related item made
  6. .22 Rifle: any related item made
  7. Shotgun: any related item made
  8. Hunting and Wildlife: any related item made (May include tanned hides, dried and mounted wings, cleaned skulls or other wildlife parts preserved by the 4-H member. Full taxidermy style mounts will not be accepted due to limited space.



Senior Division - Grades 8-12

  1. Archery Safety: any related item made
  2. All Other Discipline Safety: any related item made
  3. Archery: any related item made
  4. Air Pistol: any related item made
  5. Air Rifle: any related item made
  6. .22 Pistol: any related item made
  7. .22 Rifle: any related item made
  8. Shotgun: any related item made
  9. Muzzleloading: any related item made
  10. Hunting and Wildlife: any related item made (May include tanned hides, dried and mounted wings, cleaned skulls or other wildlife parts preserved by the 4-H member. Full taxidermy style mounts will not be accepted due to limited space.)
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