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  • This exhibit consists of postmarks, not stamps. All postmarks must be mounted on either 8 1/2" x 11" note paper or photo album page of any color in a binder. All entries are limited to 30 pages for the collection, plus an additional page for the objective of the collection. Plastic cover pages are acceptable to protect the mounts. The criteria for judging will be: 1) Appearance and neatness; 2) readability; 3) material relates to chosen topic; 4) brief written description telling purpose or objective of your collection.
  • NOTE: Metered postage marks must not be used in non-metered class exhibits and non-metered postmarks in metered classes.
  • Collections from a commercial source are not eligible for exhibit (i.e. through a postal society membership.) At least one-third of the postmarks in any collection must have been added during the current project year.
  • All entries must be clearly marked on the front cover or inside the front cover with the member's name and county.

Beginning Level

Grades 3-5

  1. Postmark for 10 post offices in home county or surrounding area
  2. 30 Oklahoma postmarks
  3. 20 topical (any category)
  4. 25 Metered postage marks


Intermediate Level

Grades 6-8

  1. 30 hand cancelled
  2. 10-30 postmarks that tell a story
  3. 30 or more different slogans
  4. 30 topical (any category)
  5. 30 metered postage marks


Advanced Level

Grades 9-12

  1. 100 or more hand cancelled postmarks
  2. 30-75 postmarks that tell a story
  3. 50 or more different slogans
  4. 50 or more topical (any category)
  5. 50 metered postage marks
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