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  • These exhibits consist of photos taken by the individual exhibitors. A photo can be entered only one year. Individuals can exhibit in only one level. Level 1 is for members who have beginning skill level, Level 2 is for those who have intermediate skill level, and Level 3 is for those who have advanced skill level. All grades within each level are before September 1 of the current calendar year.
  • Digital Photos: may be entered. Adjustments to digital photographs are limited to color and contrast adjustments, cropping, gray scaling, exposure adjustments, and red eye reduction (with the exception of Classes 25 to 28).
  • Prints: Black and white or color prints may be exhibited. Prints must be no smaller than 4” x 6” and no larger than 5” x 7” (except when panoramic prints are used) for all classes except Classes 5, 10, 14, 18 and 22 where prints may be up to 8” x 10”. Prints should be printed on photo-quality paper (not copy paper). Print quality is taken into consideration by the judges. Photos will be disqualified if in a frame.
  • Titles, Captions and other Required Information: On the front of the board, there must be a title (i.e. My Trip to the Zoo, or My Favorite Photo) and each photo must have a caption giving the viewer more information about the photograph. The title should not be the class description (ie. Digitally adjusted photo) rather a description of the subject of the photos (ie. “My Day at the Zoo”). The back of each board must include the exhibitor’s name and county.
  • Boards: Prints must be securely attached to the surface of a single black or white (not colored) poster board, foam core, or mat board. Photos will be disqualified if on regular printing paper or cardstock. No double matting, use of multiple layers or more than one color of mat. The entire print must be seen and cannot be masked in any way. Boards must be 14” x 14” for all classes.

Level 1: Focus on Photography


Junior Classes - Grades 3-7

(for members who have beginning skill level)

  1. Four (4) photos, one from each of the following categories: people, animals, plant life and scenery.
  2. Four (4) photos of people doing different things, showing a variety of activities, camera angles and lighting choices.
  3. Four (4) otherwise outstanding photos showing common mistakes in picture taking. The caption for each print must correctly identify what is wrong and provide an appropriate solution to prevent the mistake.
  4. Series of four (4) photos telling a story or illustrating a single event.
  5. Best individual photo made this year. 


Senior Classes - Grades 8-12

(for members who have beginning skill level)

  1. Four (4) photos, one from each of the following categories: people, animals, plant life and scenery.
  2. Four (4) photos of people doing different things, showing a variety of activities, camera angles and lighting choices.
  3. Four (4) otherwise outstanding photos showing common mistakes in picture taking. The caption for each print must correctly identify what is wrong and provide an appropriate solution to prevent the mistake.
  4. Series of four (4) photos telling a story or illustrating a single event.
  5. Best individual photo made this year. 


Junior Classes - Grades 3-7

(for members who have intermediate skill level)

  1. Four (4) photos showing good composition, such as placement of subject, framing, contrast or perspective. The caption for each photo or the title of the board must explain the ideas being illustrated.
  2. Four (4) action photos showing use of film speed of digital ISO, please include the film speed or digital ISO, shutter speed and aperture (if the camera is adjustable)
  3. Four (4) photos showing effect (lighting, media, techniques and processes). The caption for each photo or the title of board must explain the ideas being illustrated.
  4. Best individual photo made this year.


Senior Classes - Grades 8-12

(for members who have intermedia skill level)

  1. Four (4) photos showing good composition, such as placement of subject, framing, contrast or perspective. The caption for each photo or the title of the board must explain the ideas being illustrated.
  2. Four (4) action photos showing use of film speed or digital ISO, please include the film speed or digital ISO, shutter speed and aperture (if the camera is adjustable).
  3. Four (4) photos showing effect (lighting, media, techniques and processes). The caption for each photo or the title of board must explain the ideas being illustrated.
  4. Best individual photo made this year.

Level 2: Mastering Photograph


All Grades

(for members who have advanced skill level)

  1. Four (4) photos showing members’ knowledge of one of the following: different lenses, photo lamps, existing light, filters, or special effects. The caption for each photo or the title of the board must explain the idea(s) being illustrated.
  2. Four (4) outstanding “people” pictures.
  3. Four (4) landscapes or nature photos.
  4. Best individual photo taken this year

Digitally Adjusted Photos

Exhibit must include both the original photo labeled “original photo”, the digitally adjusted photo labeled “adjusted photo”, with a short summary of what was done (cropping, red-eye removal, color or contrast adjustment, gray scaling, exposure adjustment, etc.). Must be on a single black or white poster board, foam core or mat board 14” x 14”.

  1. Junior (grades 3-7)
  2. Senior (grades 8-12) 


Digitally altered photographic illustration taken with a digital camera by the exhibitor - Alterations are beyond common photography techniques of red eye removal, cropping, etc. Exhibit includes a print of the original photograph labeled “original photo”, and the digitally altered image labeled “photographic illustration”. Must be on a single black or white poster board, foam core or mat board 14” x 14”. Attach up to ½ page of written explanation of the alterations to the back of the exhibit.

  1. Junior (grades 3-7)
  2. Senior (grades 8-12)

Digitally altered scanned image – Exhibit must include the original image labeled “original image”, and the digitally altered image labeled “altered image”. Alterations are beyond common photography techniques of red eye removal, cropping, etc. Must be on a single black or white poster board, foam core or mat board 14” x 14”. Attach up to ½ page of written explanation of alterations to the back of the exhibit. Trademark images may not be used.

  1. Junior (grades 3-7)
  2. Senior (grades 8-12
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