Dana Bay

Agriculture/4-H Educator
Areas of Expertise
Livestock Reproduction
Livestock Nutrition
Beef Quality Assurance
Cattle Receiving Management
Farm and Ranch Management
Disaster Preparedness
About Me
I have been a member of OSU Extension since 2009 and enjoy helping people solve problems related to their specific farm or ranch operation. Typical activities include presenting workshops and demonstrations and working to answer individual producer and civic-leader questions about all types of agricultural-related issues, from cattle management to crop production, to farm record-keeping to best land management practices, and much more. I became the county agricultural educator for Ellis County in July of 2019, after serving as county agricultural educator for Woodward County for more than a decade. A Cowboy alumna, I earned my bachelor’s degree in animal science in 1994 and master’s degree in animal science with emphasis in livestock reproduction in 1996 from OSU. While working for Extension, I have also developed an avid interest in horticulture and have worked to expand my knowledge in all areas related to landscaping and gardening, especially my personal hobby of koi ponds.
- Beef Quality Assurance for Cattle Producers and Transporters
- Quicken for Farm and Ranch Use
- Forage and Pasture Management
- Disaster Planning and Management
- Master Gardeners