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Photo of white bovine eating hay from a feeder.
The latest OSU Extension webinar series for ranchers will look at options to provide needed nutrition to growing calves without relying on wheat pasture. (Photo by Todd Johnson, OSU Agricultural Communications Services)

Growing calves without wheat pasture focus of OSU webinars

Friday, October 29, 2021

Media Contact: Donald Stotts | Agricultural Communications Services | 405-744-4079 |

Oklahoma State University Extension Ranchers’ Thursday Lunchtime Series of webinars in November will focus on ways cow-calf producers can provide nutrition needed by growing calves without relying on wheat pasture.

“This is an especially important and timely topic given wheat pasture conditions across Oklahoma in general and high feed costs,” said Paul Beck, OSU Extension beef cattle specialist. “We use Zoom to host the webinars, so it’s easy to participate, pick up the latest research-based information and interact with both experts and producers.”

The weekly series is free to the public, but registration is required for each event. Questions and feedback are encouraged. All November webinars will begin at noon central time and end about 1 p.m.

Topics for the Zoom webinars will include:

  • Nov. 4 – Dry wintering calves and extending lack of wheat pasture with hay and silage.
  • Nov. 11 – Feeding programs with long-stem hay and supplements, and OSU standard high roughage total mixed rations feeding programs.
  • Nov. 18 – Using programmed feeding of high concentrate total mixed rations.

Webinars will be led by experts from OSU and Kansas State University. A producer panel also will be featured as part of the Nov. 4 event.

Visit OSU Beef Cattle Extension’s Ranchers’ Thursday Luncheon Series online to learn more or watch past Zoom sessions.

For additional information, contact David Lalman, OSU Extension beef cattle nutritionist, by email at or by phone at 405-744-6060.