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Woods County 4-H Clover Connection September/October 2021

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

National 4-H Week Slated October 3-9

Although the month of October is typically awash in the color orange and decorated with pumpkins, Oklahoma 4-H’ers celebrate with fourleaf clovers and the color green. Why? Because the first full week of October is National 4-H Week. This year’s theme is Find Your Spark!


The theme expresses the core of the 4-H Youth Development effort. This youth organization always has been about helping young people identify their spark. Mary Arnold, chair of the 4-H Thrive Model task force, said. “A spark is a passion for a self-identified interest or skill, or a capacity that metaphorically lights a fire in a young person’s life, providing energy, joy, purpose and direction. Having spark or sparks gives a person a sense of direction and encourages goal setting.”


This is exactly what the Oklahoma 4-H program does for its youth, said Karla Knoepfli, Oklahoma State University Extension state volunteer specialist in the State 4-H Office.


“National 4-H Week always is an inspirational spark for our clubs, youth and volunteers,” Knoepfli said. "Creativity abounds as we showcase how 4-H members and volunteers have identified their unique gifts and talents and how they are using them to make the world a better place for others.”


For more than a century, 4-H has continued to adapt and thrive in diverse environments, using many delivery methods, and offering everchanging project areas which will spark a youth’s growth and passion. Caring adult volunteers provide a safe environment, giving members a voice, choice and hope in their future. Having hope and a sense of meaningful purpose in life is an important part of our positive youth development effort. As a result, members thrive with a greater sense of belonging, independence, generosity and mastery.


One of the most anticipated events of National 4-H Week is 4-H National Youth Science Day. Thousands of youth across the nation taking part in the world’s largest youth-led STEM challenge. Designed by Clemson University, the 2021 4‑H STEM Challenge, Galactic Quest, focuses on the mysteries and adventures of space exploration. This year, 4-H explores the history of humans in space, the technology and resources needed for missions and the obstacles humans encounter in orbit. Activities will include physics, engineering, computer science and space agriculture.

“We are encouraging 4-H members, volunteers and alumni to show their 4-H spirit on Nov. 9, which is National 4-H Spirit Day, by wearing shirts promoting 4-H,” Knoepfli said.

For more information about National 4-H Week or National 4-H Month, contact your local OSU Extension office.


Don't Forget to Enroll

Enrollment is now open! Please complete your enrollment on ZSuite.


Please pay the enrollment fee ASAP if you did not enroll with a credit or debit card. If you need assistance, please contact Sandy at the Woods County OSU Extension Office at (580) 327-2786.


4-H Volunteer leaders in each county need to be certified for a new five year cycle. Each NEW volunteer needs to apply to be a Woods County 4-H Volunteer Leader (club leaders, event transportation, working with our youth for any significant amount of time, etc.) to complete this certification.

Once that is completed, we will schedule a training for all of our


Woods County has the best 4-H Volunteers in the State of Oklahoma!! Susan and I appreciate so much the time, effort and talents that you contribute to our 4-H Youth. You are influential role models for all of our 4-Hers. We cannot thank you enough for your willingness to lead and your great attitude of cooperation. You are great to work with. Thank you for taking the time to attend this training and assuring that Woods County Volunteer leaders conduct themselves in the proper manner.
Thanks, Greg


4-H Meeting Guidelines

As always, the health and safety of our members and volunteers is our top priority, now more than ever during these odd times.

Please make sure that members social distance at meetings and events when possible. Masks are encouraged but not mandatory.

Finding a big open room for meetings is encouraged as well. Make sure to follow the rules and regulations for your selected meeting space.


Thank you for your extraordinary efforts in fighting COVID-19 and ensuring the safety of all our 4-H family.


2021-2022 4-H Parents &
Volunteers Council Officers

Elections for the 2021-2022 Woods County 4-H Leaders and Parents Officers were held on August 4th.

The new officers are:

  • President—Debra Rankin
  • Vice-President - Pam Coffman
  • Secretary/Treasurer - Jessica

Congratulations, and we appreciate your willingness to serve in these leadership positions for our Woods County 4-H Program! The next meeting is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on November 1, 2021 at Woods County Courthouse Conference Room.


National 4-H Week

October 3-9

It’s our week to shine! 4-H members from across the United States will be observing National 4-H Week. Local clubs throughout Woods County will be having special activities to celebrate. These activities increase our visibility in the community. Do your part to help your club observe National 4-H Week October 3-9. This year’s theme will be Find Your Spark. The month of October is designated as 4-H Month in Oklahoma. Celebrate 4-H!


West District Action Conference

October 13-15


Tom Stafford Air and Space Museum and Holiday Inn Express.

The West District Officer team has been working to pull an excellent Action Conference program together. The goal of the Conference is to share ideas and information that youth can take home and share in their county or community, as well as to improve themselves!

Delegates in the 7th grade and older, who are actively enrolled in 4-H, can register for West District Action Conference. Registration and payment is due to the Woods County OSU Extension Office by September 22, 2021. The fee for this years conference is $130.00—the Woods County Parent Leader Organization will pay for HALF of this registration fee.

We will have District Officer candidate speeches, a chance to go through the museum, and other activities Wednesday evening. The District Officers will do youth led workshops during the Conference. There will be a service-learning activity during the day Thursday, and a dance/games on Thursday evening.

At the Conference we are representing 4-H, so we need to make a good impression with our dress as well as our attitude and behavior. Snappy casual clothes should be worn. Nice shirts/blouses, with nice jeans, slacks, capris, knee length shorts or with nice jeans or slacks, skirts, dresses or jumpers. This does not include tank tops; T-Shirts with inappropriate sayings including, but not limited to, alcohol or tobacco products; or faded/ragged jeans. Any delegates wearing the above will be sent back to their room to change. Caps or hats should not be worn inside the building. Those planning to swim should pack suits. Your WAC t- shirt or other 4-H shirt should be worn during the service learning activity on Thursday.

Registration will be from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Express. The Conference will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Tom Stafford Space Center and Museum. The Conference will dismiss by noon on Friday, October 15th.


If you would like to attend the West District Action Conference – please send an email to Sandy Risman or Greg Highfill and we will email the 21-22 Youth Form (medical forms and code of conduct) to you, so you can complete the application process and return the forms to the Extension Office. We will also need to know your t-shirt size. Payment will also be due at the time of application.

Also – if you desire to run for a West District 4-H Office – please request an application form in your email.


Woods County 4-H Shooting Sports Team Sporting Clays Fundraiser

Join the fundraiser Sunday, October 24, 2021 at 3:30 pm at the Mead Ranch Sporting Clays.


All proceed will go to purchase a new trap thrower.


Entry fees are $50 per person/4 man teams. Entry fee includes 50 shot competition and brisket meal.


A brisket meal will be served to the public by donation at 5:00 pm.


For more information, call Coach Dustin Rankin.