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2022 Oklahoma State Pecan Show

Thursday, October 6, 2022

The 2022 pecan harvest is quickly approaching, shucks are splitting, orchard floors are being groomed, and equipment is being serviced. Even with the severe drought conditions, pecan quality looks good in many areas. Pecans may be slightly smaller due to the lack of moisture during sizing but hopefully they will be well-filled. Don’t forget to set aside some of your best pecans to enter in the Oklahoma State Pecan Show.


If you’d like to learn more about the Oklahoma State Pecan show and how to submit a winning sample, the Pecan Topics for November 2020 webinar has a presentation that you can view below:


If no county/area show is available, growers may enter pecans directly by sending samples to:

Cimarron Valley Research Station

Attn: Becky Carroll

10820 South Jardot

Perkins, OK 74059


Samples should arrive by January 27, 2023.


Samples should be entered in a sealed plastic or paper bag. Label the bag on the outside and place a label inside the bag. Information should include exhibitors name and address, county, and type of pecan entered. Be sure to follow the guidelines that are listed below before sending entries.


A few helpful hints: Take the time to select pecans that are all the same cultivar, or same size and shape natives – don’t send mixed pecans. Select uniform, clean, uncracked pecans. Presentation can make the difference between two very similar samples. Make sure to send 2 pounds of pecans in a labeled and sealed bag.


General Rules & Guidelines

  • All entries must be grown in Oklahoma during the current season.
  • Each entry shall consist of two pounds of nuts.
  • Entries deemed unworthy by the judges will not compete for awards.
  • Label each entry as to exhibitor’s name, address and cultivar of nuts. If more than one native (seedling) pecan exhibit is made, identify the nuts from separate trees by numbers. Only one exhibit of each cultivar or native tree may be entered by one individual.
  • Each grower is allowed to participate at one county show of his or her choice
  • Each grower is allowed to enter one entry in each show class with the exception of Class 24 (Other Cultivars), Class 25 (Large-seedling) and Class 26 (Small- seedling)
  • Each grower may enter one entry from each native (seedling) tree.
  • Entries should be shipped or mailed to arrive at the show at least one day prior to the deadline.
  • County pecan shows will not be affected by these rules and procedures.
  • Samples will be placed in cold storage and judged prior to the Oklahoma Pecan Growers Annual Meeting. At that time, the winning entries will be displayed with awards and recognitions. All entries will become the property of the OPGA.
  • First, second, and third place winners in each class at the State Pecan Show will receive ribbons.
  • State Pecan Show Special Awards – Plaques will be awarded for the largest pecan entry, the entry having the highest kernel percentage, the champion native and the best entry of the show. The plaques are presented at the Awards Banquet during the annual meeting.
  • If a qualifying show is not available, growers may submit entries in accordance with these guidelines directly to the State Show. Entries in the state show must be received by January 27, 2023.
  • Each entry will compete in one of the following 26 classes:
  1. Barton
  2. Burkett
  3. Cheyenne
  4. Choctaw
  5. Comanche
  6. Gratex
  7. Kanza
  8. Kiowa
  9. Lakota
  10. Maramec
  11. Mohawk
  12. Nacono
  13. Oconee
  14. Pawnee
  15. Peruque
  16. Podsednik
  17. Schley (eastern)
  18. Shoshoni
  19. Squirrels Delight
  20. Stuart
  21. Waco
  22. Western
  23. Wichita
  24. Other Cultivars
  25. Large-Native (seedling) 60 nutes/lb or larger
  26. Small-Native (seedling) more than 60 nuts/lb