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Fact Sheet
Transitioning Through Divorce: The Six Types of Divorce

Learn how to get through divorce successfully by understanding the six different types of divorce.

Divorce & CoparentingMarriageParenting & Family Relationships
Fact Sheet
Las parejas y el dinero: hablemos sobre esto

A guide to aid couples in navigating their finances, and an explanation of the different systems to handle money for effective finance communication.

Budgeting & Financial PlanningMarriageMoney Management (Personal)Parenting & Family Relationships
Fact Sheet
Tips for Working with an Uncooperative Co-Parent!: 10 Things You Should Do

Understand the three primary characteristics of a healthy co-parenting relationship and how to create a healthy environment for the children.

Divorce & CoparentingMarriageParenting & Family Relationships
Fact Sheet
Tips for Successful Stepfamilies: Moving Your Marriage from Surviving To Thriving–Part 2

Tips for parents on how to become a bridge between the stepparent and the children to help everyone adjust to the new family arrangement.

Divorce & CoparentingMarriageParenting & Family Relationships
Fact Sheet
Tips for Successful Stepfamilies: Moving Your Marriage from Surviving To Thriving–Part 1

Learn how to balance the preexisting parent-child relationships with the new spousal relationship to help build a strong and stable stepfamily.

Divorce & CoparentingMarriageParenting & Family Relationships
Fact Sheet
Tips for Successful Stepfamilies: Help! I’m a Stepparent!

Tips for the biological parent on how to successfully help the stepparent establish their role in the parenting team.

Divorce & CoparentingMarriageParenting & Family Relationships
Fact Sheet
Tips for Successful Stepfamilies: GO SLOW

Understand the importance of taking things slow when bringing a stepfamily together to prevent strife, anger and resentment in the children.

Divorce & CoparentingMarriageParenting & Family Relationships