Variety Testing
Wheat Variety Research
Choosing the right wheat variety can have a huge impact on profit. The Oklahoma State
University Wheat Research Team and small grains variety testing program is designed to deliver timely information
to producers on currently-available wheat cultivars that might be well-adapted to
Oklahoma. Emphasis is placed on local-control of test sites and locations span the
state from Afton to Olustee to Keyes. Each year we test between 20 and 30 cultivars
at 20 to 25 sites for an annual total of over 2,500 individual plots sown and harvested.
In addition we measure and report phenological and physiological plant parameters,
such as coleoptile length and first hollow stem, which are important for adaptability
to Oklahoma.
The Oklahoma State University small grains variety testing program is funded by the
Oklahoma Wheat Commission and the Oklahoma Wheat Research Foundation. So, if you are
a farmer viewing this site, thank you for your support through your check-off dollars.
We appreciate it!