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Oklahoma Water Resources Center

The Oklahoma Water Resource Center helps resolve water issues in Oklahoma by sponsoring research and sharing the knowledge that results from it. The Water Resources Research Act of 1964 authorized the establishment of a water resources research and technology center or institute at a land-grant university in each state. As a result, the Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute (currently known as the Oklahoma Water Resources Center) was founded in 1965 at OSU within the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. The center is now a member of the National Institutes for Water Resources.


Dr. Sadler Wins Land-Grant Award

February 17, 2025

Jeff Sadler received the Land-Grant Award for Excellence during the OSU Awards Convocation ceremony in December due to work on the Oklahoma Well Owner Network project.

Mirchi named Whatley Award Recipient

February 3, 2025

Dr. Mirchi, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering associate professor and OWRC associate director, named Whatley Award recipient from OSU Agriculture last month.

Dr. Mirchi Announced as Associate Director

January 31, 2025

Oklahoma Water Resources Center welcomes Mirchi as associate director. Ali Mirchi has a background in water resources systems modeling, including simulation and watershed hydrologic modeling to support water sustainability.

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Dr. Kevin Wagner

Director and Thomas E. Berry Professorship in Water Research and Management