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Oriental cockroach. Scientific Name

Blatta orientalis



The oriental cockroach is most common in dark, damp basements, but is known to climb water pipes to the upper floors of apartment houses. 


Life Cycle

Oriental cockroachs by a ruler. The female may carry the brown egg capsule for 30 hours with up to 16 eggs laid in the capsule. The average number of nymphs to hatch per egg capsule is 14.4. Each female deposits an average of eight capsules. The egg capsule is deposited in some warm sheltered spot where food is readily available. In this species the female cockroach gives no assistance to her newly born young. At room temperature, the incubation period averages 60 days. The developmental period for the oriental cockroach is 12 months, during which the insect undergoes 7 molts. The adults appear in May, June, and July, and the nymphs are more and more evident during summer months. Adults usually do not mature during the months of October, November, and December. The oriental cockroach is less wary and more sluggish than other cockroaches. It often travels through sewer pipes and lives on filth. It may enter the home in food packages and laundry, or merely come in under the door or through air-ducts or ventilators. This cockroach prefers to feed upon starchy foods. 



Approxiametly 1 inch long and dark brown to black in color. 



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