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Welcome to 4-H

4-H Youth Development is dedicated to helping Oklahoma youth, families and communities reach their full potential.  The youth development segment of OSU Extension provides club members with hands-on programming and learning opportunities in a large variety of projects. Whatever your area of interest, 4-H has a program for you.
In addition, 4-H not only is helping youth learn the life skills they need to be the leaders of tomorrow, but it also is teaching its members they can lead today and can make tangible, significant changes in their clubs, their communities, their state and their world. The 4-H motto is “To Make the Best Better,” and this is made possible through successful youth/adult partnerships and mentoring.

Learn More About 4-H Youth Development

What is a 4-H Club?

A 4-H club is a group of young people and certified adult volunteers who meet regularly for fun and learning. Clubs usually are made up of families from a community and often formed around schools, churches or community centers. Most clubs hold monthly meetings attended by members and their parents. Club members elect officers who lead the group and the meetings. An adult club leader advises the officers.


The meetings usually last less than two hours. The time is equally divided among club business, recreation and educational programs. A well-organized 4-H club meeting provides opportunities for every member to be involved. In addition, there are specialized clubs that focus on specific areas of interest.


More about 4-H Clubs

Benefits of 4-H Club

Whether you enjoy working with animals, building robots, taking photographs, singing or even collecting bugs, 4-H Youth Development has a place for you and – if you put forth the effort – will give you a firm foundation and the skills needed to succeed in life, no matter what career path you choose!


4-H’ers are four times more likely to give back to their communities and two times more likely to make healthier choices than their peers according to a recent national 4-H Replication and Reconnection Study. Oklahoma 4-H has over 12,500 4-H members across 743 clubs.


How 4-H Benefits the Community

How to Join

Find your local 4-H club by searching for your county and surrounding counties.


Contact your county office for more information on programs, meetings and how to become involved in 4-H and the community.


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