Jan. 17 — An introduction to having backyard chickens, preparation for poultry, nutrition, and flock well-being.
Jan. 17-18 — Join 4-H members across the state at the Science Museum of Oklahoma for a night of science and fun.
Jan. 28 — Part of the 4-H Tuesday Tool Time series, learn more about the full potential of your smartphone camera.
Feb. 27 — Learn how to prepare before the storm season arrives and what you can do to preserve your perishable foods.
Dec. 9 — Monthly Dollar Store cooking is about learning how to make healthy, nutritious, holiday meals from ingredients found at a dollar store.
Dec. 11 —Beginner sewing workshop for adults making a kitchen scarf and a holiday table runner.
Dec. 30 — Volunteer at the Regional Food Bank, join in on the fun at Main Event and meet 4-H'ers from other counties.
Jan. 14 —This workshop will familiarize youth with the food showdown and cupcakes wars contests.