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News Archive Extension

Seasonal pressure expected to weaken beef and cattle markets

Thu, Jun 29, 2017

STILLWATER, Okla. – Beef and cattle markets have defied “economic gravity” by staying stronger, longer than most analysts expected this spring, but seasonal pressure has caused the markets to weaken and they likely will struggle for the next six weeks or so.

Ferguson College of AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesOSU AgricultureAgricultural EconomicsbeefExtensionOutreach and EngagementCattle
Register now to attend July 10 Oklahoma Crops Conference in Ardmore

Thu, Jun 29, 2017

ARDMORE, Okla. – Crop producers in southeastern and south-central Oklahoma should register now to attend the July 10 Oklahoma Crops Conference in Ardmore.

OSU AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesFerguson College of AgricultureExtensionOutreach and EngagementCropsConference and EventsExperiment StationPlant and Soil Sciences
Service providers should register now to attend the July 25 Canola 101 Workshop

Wed, Jun 28, 2017

STILLWATER, Okla. – Service providers to canola producers who are interested in learning more about the crop should register now to attend the free-of-charge Canola 101 Workshop taking place July 25 in Stillwater.

Agricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesOSU AgricultureFerguson College of AgricultureCropsPlant and Soil SciencesExtensionOutreach and EngagementCanola
Chute-side vaccine cooler a useful tool for cattle producers

Wed, Jun 28, 2017

STILLWATER, Okla. – A few simple steps can help cattle producers become more effective in battling respiratory disease in their herd, get full value of any vaccine they purchase and possibly increase their operational profit in the process.

Agricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesOSU AgricultureFerguson College of AgricultureAnimal Health and SciencesinjectionsExtensionOutreach and EngagementCattle
Pregnancy rates in cattle a ‘lowly heritable trait’

Wed, Jun 28, 2017

STILLWATER, Okla. – As cow-calf producers evaluate growing programs for replacement heifers and their impact on long-term productivity of the herd, it is important to remember that both the genetic makeup of the heifer and environment in which she is raised will affect her ability to reproduce and raise progeny.

OSU AgricultureFerguson College of AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesAnimal Health and SciencesExtensionOutreach and EngagementCattle
Effect of China opening its markets to U.S. beef likely to start slowly

Wed, Jun 28, 2017

STILLWATER, Okla. – China agreeing to open its domestic market to U.S. beef has been in the news, but producers need to remember it is only the first step in an ongoing and lengthy process.

OSU AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesFerguson College of AgricultureAgricultural EconomicsExtensionOutreach and EngagementCattle
Protecting children from lice during summer camp

Tue, Jun 27, 2017

STILLWATER, Okla. – With school out, many youths may be heading off to camps and conferences for part of their summer break. If that is the case, both children and parents should know how to protect against head lice.

Agricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesFerguson College of AgricultureOSU AgricultureYouthParentingFamily and Consumer SciencesExtensionOutreach and Engagement
Is earthquake insurance for you?

Mon, Jun 26, 2017

STILLWATER, Okla. – As earthquakes become increasingly common in Oklahoma, it is worthwhile for residents to consider purchasing insurance to protect their property as the ground shakes and rolls underfoot.

Ferguson College of AgricultureOSU AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesConsumer SafetyHousingFamily and Consumer SciencesExtensionOutreach and Engagement
Be safe while staying cool in the pool

Fri, Jun 23, 2017

STILLWATER, Okla. – Splashing around in the backyard pool or enjoying the amenities at the local community center is always refreshing on a hot summer day. But, amid all the fun, safety should always be a main priority.

Agricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesFerguson College of AgricultureOSU AgricultureExtensionOutreach and EngagementConsumer SafetyHousingParentingFamily and Consumer Sciences
Safely enjoying lakes and rivers in Oklahoma

Fri, Jun 23, 2017

STILLWATER, Okla. – For many Oklahomans, there is no better summertime activity than spending time at the lake. Putting a few important safety measures in place while on the water can help ensure a fun, accident-free experience for everyone.

OSU AgricultureFerguson College of AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesNatural Resources Ecology and ManagementParentingFamily and Consumer SciencesExtensionOutreach and Engagement
Registration open for the 2017 Women in Agriculture and Small Business Conference

Thu, Jun 22, 2017

STILLWATER, Okla. – A forward thinking researcher along with a former Miss America turned television co-host will headline the slate of speakers at the 2017 Oklahoma Statewide Women in Agriculture and Small Business Conference set for Aug. 3-4 in Oklahoma City.

Ferguson College of AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesOSU AgricultureAgricultural EconomicsConference and EventsExtensionOutreach and Engagement
Making playgrounds safe places to play

Thu, Jun 22, 2017

STILLWATER, Okla. – Few outdoor activities are as entertaining to children as a playground. The swings, slides and seesaws are guaranteed fun, especially with the warmer temperatures of summer settling in across Oklahoma.

OSU AgricultureFerguson College of AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesExtensionOutreach and EngagementConsumer SafetyHousingYouthParentingFamily and Consumer Sciences
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