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Ag Research


Oklahoma Foundation Seed Stocks Inc. (OFSS) was organized and incorporated as a nonstock, nonprofit corporation under Oklahoma law in 1950. Since then, Oklahoma Foundation Seed Stocks has been linking plant breeders and certified seed growers. As part of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, the OFSS ensures large quantities of genetically pure seeds of a wide variety of desirable varieties are made available to growers of certified seed.

Located at the Oklahoma State University Agronomy Research Station in Stillwater, Oklahoma, OFSS was initially a subdivision of and supervised by OSU. In 2009, OFSS’ corporate status was dissolved and the company was absorbed into OSU Ag Research.

For more information, call (405) 744-7741 or visit at 201 South Range Road Stillwater, OK 74074-1559.

Crop Varieties

OFSS is committed to increasing and distributing of new varieties released by the OAES, maintaining the pure seed stock of older OAES varieties, and increasing and distributing crop varieties developed by other organizations but are adaptable to Oklahoma and released jointly with OAES.
OFSS is fully self-supporting. Revenue is received from the sale of seed and services provided to growers. View the dropdown menu below to learn about the seed varieties and view the 2023 Price Lists. Submit or email seed orders to


Jeff Wright

Coordinator, Production and Operations

Jill Minahan

Office Manager

Matt Knori


John Hammer


Support Oklahoma Foundation Seed Stocks

Support to the Oklahoma Foundation Seed Stocks come from many of our friends in Oklahoma agriculture and related industries. There are many ways for you to get involved. Naming opportunities are currently available in the new facility and funding for equipment is still needed. Join us as we prepare for our future.
