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The Tulsa County Free Fair began in 1903 at the Western Association baseball park The Tulsa County Fair in 1903 at the Western Association baseball park at Archer and Boston in downtown Tulsa.located at Archer and Boston in downtown Tulsa.  With enactment of the Oklahoma Free Fair Act in 1915, a 15-acre tract of land north of Archer and Lewis was purchased to provide more suitable grounds for the annual county fair.  In 1923, thanks to a land donation from J.E. Crosbie, the fair was moved to a portion of the present Expo Square between 15th and 21st Streets.  Passage of a major bond issue of $500,000 provided for the construction of the Pavilion in 1931.  The fair board acquired land adjacent to the gift acreage in later year, and the “Tulsa State Fair” was born. 


The annual Tulsa County Fair has been held every year since 1903 as a way for individuals to show fair exhibits they have worked on all year while learning new skills or improving existing skills.  Exhibitors also have the opportunity to share what they have learned with others during the Tulsa County Fair.   

Fair Information

Exhibitors must comply with all rules and regulations of the Tulsa County Fair.


Only enrolled Tulsa County 4-H members can enter in the 4-H exhibits, but any resident age 5 and up of Tulsa County or any member of a Tulsa County extension based organization such as: 4-H, Oklahoma Home and Community Education (OHCE), Master Gardeners, or Master Wellness, may enter in the Tulsa County Fair Open Class.





All entries are due by Friday, June 30!