Oklahoma Quality Beef Network
About OQBN
The Oklahoma Quality Beef Network (OQBN) is a joint project of the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service and the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association (OCA). OQBN is a network of beef producers, educators, veterinarians, and industry
professionals committed to increasing producers' access to value added marketing opportunities
and improving the quality of cattle produced in Oklahoma by increasing communication
between all segments of the beef industry.
OQBN Vac-45 Program
The OQBN VAC45 program is available to all producers who meet the requirements with
their ranch raised weaned calves. The VAC45 program provides value-added marketing
opportunities and health management certification to cow/calf producers in Oklahoma
and neighboring states.
OQBN Resources
Use the downloadable spreadsheets to operate an organized and productive cattle operation.
OSU Cowculator RANCHCALC Beef Extension Program CalculatorsExtension Fact Sheets & Topics
OSU Extension offers a wide-variety of factsheets and programs to serve as resources for cattle producers.
AFS-3529: Effects of Preconditioning on Health, Performance & Prices of Weaned Calves Ag Law, Taxes & Insurance Beef Cattle Farm & Ranch FinancesWeb Links
Additional web resources to assist cattle producers in running a productive and profitable operation.
Mesonet Cattle Comfort Conditions Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association OQBN Facebook